The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

FYP. Try to make two functional countries out of this:

For better or worse, the “reds” and “blues” need each other and are stuck with each other.


I don’t think it makes sense to imagine splitting into two (or three or four) discrete countries, and I don’t think resulting territories will remain static. Most of the world’s current borders are less than 100 years old. The reality will probably be a lot more like this:


What’s interesting to speculate about is which regions will be relatively stable and which will not.

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I just don’t think they leave CA behind, that’s all.

I don’t need no fuckin reds

Yeah, Europe had 1000+ years to sort all their shit out. In America there was always more free land to solve everyone’s problems. Until there wasn’t anymore.

I was going to post something very similar to this. All you need to do is drive a couple of hours away from NYC of San Fran into upstate NY or central coast California and you realize these aren’t really blue states. They just have enough urban votes compared to rural voters.

Actually that’s a terrible map.

All that orange represents districts going to Republicans. Basically everybody who isn’t one is leaving to go to ones that are.

Right that’s the point. The normal people are congregating in places where their marginal votes don’t matter.

This is true if people only move within states, but not if a lot of liberal people vacating urban counties in say Texas move to NYC. Then NY just becomes increasingly blue and Texas becomes increasingly red.

Yeah but that doesn’t change anything. Representation doesn’t change to properly accommodate population movement. Normally just one seat here and there. This means that rural areas with low populations are overrepresented in Congress.

Here’s a simple way to look at it

California has 53 representatives for 39.51 million people. That’s one rep for every 745,471 people.

Wyoming has 1 representative for 578,759 people.

Factor in senators and that difference becomes even more egregious.

Bryce you’re missing the point that two other people made before me.

That giant orange mass represents a lot of states and a lot of Senators but not a lot of people. The red doesn’t even represent an entire state. That’s the problem you fail to see.

The two largest counties are Los Angeles and Cook counties and they represent 29 districts. Those 1,437 counties represent way more than 29 seats in the house.

Every state has to have a minimum of 3 representatives (2 senators, 1 rep) no matter how depopulated it is. If there’s one person in Wyoming, it will have the power of 3 representatives and it will have way more power per capita than every other place in America.

EZ game imo:


I’m not really predicting a particular number of countries resulting from a hypothetical partition/breakdown of the current US. The number two came from the discussion about “red” and “blue” states splitting.

FWIW, I think something like the map you posted is possible, but to get there from here would involve drastic upheaval of the type I’d be afraid to live through, to be honest. Many/most of the changes between frames in that GIF came with a bunch of suffering and death for the populations involved.

The thing I can’t predict is what happens when they outright steal an election. There will be huge protests, but that won’t mean shit. If they can mobilize law enforcement and/or the military to kill people, that’s it, game over.

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For some, yeah for sure. That’s why I think the different regions become interesting to consider. I can’t imagine anything drastic happening in say New England or the PNW, or anywhere in the plains states either. But I sure as heck wouldn’t want to live through those sorts of realignments in North Carolina or Michigan.

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With the voting laws in place they won’t need too, after they win the house these voting laws going to go to level 10 and it will not be possible for dems to win.

I guess they could still win the presidency if dems hold on the governorship in PA/MI/WI but I have a feeling Reps going to go all in on taking those and then its GG.

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Because you just want everything to be OK and you can’t objectively reason it out so you just go with your feels.


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