The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The blue states can form an EU type situation and they would probably be better at handling global risks without the red states/polliticians/people holding them back.

The biggest problem would be what would be happening the minorities/women in the red states. I assume at some point the red states would make it a law they can’t leave.

I don’t know whole thing would be nuts and unpredictable.

Conservatives haven’t spent the last 40+ years cosplaying as militias just to peacefully allow liberals to start a separate country. The Greater Idaho movement is the latest example of the far right anti-Federal government ideology that’s been itching for violence for decades and eventually we’re going to have a Ruby Ridge or Waco type situation that starts some kind of war.

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The idea of red and blue states splitting makes zero sense when you stop for two seconds and realize the redddest state is a few percentage points more than 50% red.

Trump got 70% in Wyoming. That’s more than “a few” imo.

Allow people to move and set up some shit in blue states where they set you up in temp homes or something.

Anything is better than living under a fully GOP controlled government for 20+ years.

Oklahoma hasn’t had a single county go for a Democrat in a Presidential election since the 90s.

I forgot to mention the republicans changed the rules. If they approve, you can wish for more wishes for them.

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omg what

I was slightly wrong. 2000 was the last year. My point remains. Saying red states are barely red just isn’t accurate.







Good news is OKC metro is mostly the square one in the middle of the map and the one below it to a lesser extent. It is getting less and less red.

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If the US dissolves it won’t happen overnight. It will be the result of many years’ worth of increasingly dysfunctional national government where the individual states take on more independence and responsibility with various degrees of cooperation with their neighbors.

There’s a common tendency to imagine future changes as instantaneous and dramatic events but that’s rarely how change actually occurs.

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I’m not much of a meme maker and it’s hard to get all of the relevant info in an easy to consume graphic, but here’s something. Made it as Trumpy as I could with random CAPS and different font sizes. Maybe deplorables will think it’s a pro-Trump meme and spread it around.


These places still have massive populations of left leaning people.

I swear the red blue thing is one of the most toxic ideas to ever come from cartography.

The statement Alabama is bad because a statically higher number of registered voters in the last election voted republican makes zero sense. Republicans are bad, not states.

If the country was breaking up wouldn’t the left leaning people just bail to a left leaning state? I know I would.

Sure but that’s the point. You are just drawing more arbitrary lines around groups. States are already arbitrary lines. People could migrate today if they wanted to for political reasons. They obviously don’t.

The only reason states matter in this context is your stupid electoral college.

His is the easiest SO ABOLISH THE ELCTORAL COLLEGE pane of the meme with the chair flying over his head ever.

No it doesn’t.

Sometimes they do. Depending on who you listen to, there are people who claim that California is losing population to Arizona and Texas and Utah because taxes and whatnot. :man_shrugging:
I have no idea if this is actually true in anything other than an anecdotal sense.
Fun fact: there are more Republicans living in California than people living in Mississippi (or there were as of the 2016 elections anyway)

American intellectuals obsess over FDR because, as historian Eric Rauchway demonstrates in his admirable new book Why the New Deal Matters, he saved the American project itself, for better and for worse. The Great Depression that Roosevelt ended was not merely a collapse of gross domestic product and employment figures; it was a full-blown political crisis that toppled regimes around the world and called into question the very legitimacy of democratic governance. Under FDR, Rauchway writes, “democracy in the United States, flawed and compromised as it was, proved it could emerge from a severe crisis not only intact but stronger.” When we fight over the New Deal, we are really arguing about the very meaning of America.

Way easier way. Lift the cap on the house and places like CA will have like 400 house seats, thus 400 EC votes, and it will be a LOT closer to representing the population.

That takes a simple vote without the filibuster, getting rid of the EC takes a constitutional amendment which is obv impossible.


It’s mostly housing prices imo. All the people I know are leaving because they want to be able to buy a house and can’t here.

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