The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I’d bet anything that behind closed doors, Schumer’s “friends” in the GOP have told him a big reason they wouldn’t work with liberals is because Obama is black. They’d tell him they aren’t racist but their base is, so their hands are tied. So Schumer is probably legit surprised they won’t work with Biden.

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Chuck & Nancy would love nothing more than to bloviate about 1/6 for the next two years and do nothing to actually help voters.

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Ok. I was bored.

Total population represented by YEA votes: 191,371,576
Total Population represented by NAY votes: 107,774,478.5

Percentage population YEA: 58.3%
Percentage population NAY: 28.19%

My method was just assigning a states population to YEA if both Senators voted YEA, to NAY if both voted NAY, and splitting the population if the votes split or if only one of the states senators voted. Not perfect, but gets the point across: The Jan 6. Commission was blocked by 28% of the country voting NAY.

The Filibuster needs to go.



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I’m pretty convinced by the argument that the filibuster inhibits bipartisanship and moderation.

Been reading US and European history lately. 20 year spans on a narrow topic can be single paragraphs and the underlying dynamics ultimately do their work. Water can follow many paths but it ultimately flows downhill. The filibuster will die and the sooner the better, but whether it’s 1 year or 15 years from now the argument has been had and its supporters have lost. Soon enough feinstein will be dead, manchin will be dead or voted out, mitch will be dead, etc. The filibuster will perish and congress will be different and politics will evolve, almost certainly for the better.

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Dude, if they don’t nuke it in the next 8 months we’re going to have one party rule until there’s a shooting war. What planet are you living on?


We may have 16 years of craziness but the gop has no viable program of government and will ultimately lose.

I’m gonna need someone to ELI5 this to me. Why?

Yeah the world’s prospects sure look better today than they did 20 years ago.


Love Elie.


It’s a collective mental illness of the American liberal mind

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Some people here are really suffering from the “it can’t happen here” fallacy. Jim Crow was during our parents lives. I bet a lot of us at least met our great grandparents. Their parents generation was mostly alive during slavery. I was born in 1981. When I was born I was born closer to WW2 than today.

If anything the last 5 years should show us our institutions are a mirage. The law won’t save us. People don’t trust elections on the other side and on our side the elections aren’t really a mechanism for change.

Just because the recent atrocities were in black and white video and stills does not mean we can’t descend into chaos, fascism or an outright dictatorship. It happens all the time all over the world. The GOP is basically laying the groundwork for it in plain sight. Every day in this thread there are new insane things posted that are spiraling us towards disaster. What exactly is going to stop it if they really decide to full on go for it the next time they are in power? Chuck and Nancy? The courts that are packed with Trump stooges? The police? The military? Widespread protest?

I mean it’s legal in several states to run over protesters and kill them with your car. Look at the reaction to that? Some savage Twitter takes from Dem pundits and then what? Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero. The insurrectionists are victims of the woke mob. A huge part of the country is hell bent on taking over and exacting justice on the left.

There is no real mechanism to stop what is coming because the Dems are clueless, impotent and to some extent more concerned with maintaining their station in life than actually doing anything about it. Meanwhile the GOP has purged all semi-reasonable parties and is being openly run by racist, fascist sex offenders who would literally string up left wingers today if they thought they could get away with it.


I lost my damn bet to Micro due to a 1.7% increase in defence spending but at least Biden is the first president in decades to drop the Hyde rule.

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Make a meme and post it to UP twitter…

I think if Democrats don’t get their act together then within 16 years the US federal government will only be for foreign policy and the rest is up to individual states. Marijuana laws have already shown states can just ignore federal law.

Which is probably closer to original intent but the post civil war amendments and rulings shifted things.

The problem with the whole construct is that “states rights” almost always have to do with oppression and discrimination in some form. The fundamental flaw. (Or feature depending on your worldview).

And of course if there is an opportunity to make the oppression nationwide, the states rights go out the window (defense of marriage act…)

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This is a global catastrophe though. The US Federal government manages a bunch of global risks that they get no credit for managing but can blow up any time. The pandemic is one example of what happens when the US Federal government takes a giant step back from risk management.


Definitely agree the US and the world will be worse off when this happens but the way it is going now I see it as the most likely outcome especially since most of the GOP will be ok with it. Just let the deep blue states do what they want while the GOP can prevent minorities from voting and women from getting abortions and all the other shitty things everywhere else. And the people in those blue states are not going to risk their lives to change this.