The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

You had me at

Loss was predetermined. Either a- avoid vote for when you switch parties (Sinema) or got a flight to catch (Murray)#


Should have changed the rule to 60% of those present.

Hah I had not read the Murray statement when I posted this.

Sure, I meant “plausible” to their base which just means any fake narrative they can come up. But their lies play better when they vaguely allude to reality, and when they call it the Partisan Democrat Hearing, that will be amplified by legitimate press. And the base loves to Own Libs by blaring stuff on Facebook like OH SO YOU ADMIT THAT IT WAS A PARTISAN HEARING BY A COMMITTEE FULL OF DEMOCRATS CHESSMATE LIBTARD.

You greatly underestimate all the “spend it as soon as you get it” folks. Getting $2k up front and having to pay $2k down the road is a $2k surprise tax.

Where is the theoretical poll where we ask what they think should happen to ANTIFA if they stormed a government building?

Cinema is not switching parties, zero percent chance she wins a GOP primary.

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I could see a universe where she goes full deplorable (for money) and wins the nomination if Trump campaigns with her.

Didnt she vote to impeach him twice?

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Not true. Democrats would wish republicans could have infinity wishes three times.


Meanwhile, Breyer:

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Now do what % of the population each group represent


Yeah, honestly I think it’s better to just shut this pointless distraction down now. They’re not going to discover anything, they’re not going to charge anyone, they’re not going to even enforce subpoenas. Just a useless Muller Investigation 2.0.

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I am at least a little interested to know who Trump was talking to as it went down.


Hardly anyone cares about this though.

A January 6 commission is going produce absolutely nothing of value.

Is it going to do anything about climate change or health care or student debt or income inequality or voting rights or any other important issue? No.

Complete waste of time. The more I think about it, the happier I am that it failed.

The most useful this commission was, was hopefully showing manchin how you can’t work with republicans.

Still probably won’t matter. But maybe bumped making voting rights happens from 0% to 5%

Schumer is tweeting about how he’s going to bring voting rights to the floor at the end of June, just utter buffoonery.

I see your point, but think it will work the other way.

Democrats will fight like hell for this stupid commission that will discover the shocking fact that Republicans hate democracy.

Then when Mr Low Information Voter goes to the polls in a year and a half, he’ll wonder “What has the Democratic trifecta done for me?” and come up with nothing.