The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I donā€™t understand why votes have to be done the way they are.

Itā€™s 2021. Murray should be able to vote from 3000 miles away.


Iā€™ll give her a pass, since this was dead in the water.

On the other hand if they had a 50-50 vote on filibuster locked up, then I donā€™t care what the emergency is. She needs to stay in D.C. and get it done. Thatā€™s the job.

I think we should take this a step further and have legislators vote remotely and live/have offices only in their district. Because it would be a disaster for K Street is why.


Iā€™ve got a compromise idea of building a second capital in the western half of the US and putting video walls in legislative chambers in both locations.

I agree. Commissions are bullshit. No one ever goes to prison and itā€™s just show and theater for the most part.

Lol Manchin. GJGE you fucking moron.

A temporary tax cut is still a net benefit even if you end up having to pay it back though? At worst it was a freeroll for them? Idk it all seems like a game of three card Monte to me.

We may need to more seriously consider the possibility that Joe Manchin is legitimately very dumb.


This would be true if the vote was really about tactics and process. However, for the Republicans the vote is about plausible deniability. Having the committees D controlled is exactly what they need to play the ā€œitā€™s all a fake news partisan phony hearingā€ card, which is exactly what they are going to do.

Iā€™m going to blame the war criminal rapist at the head of the party and everyone who enabled him rather than take their bait that this one senator is the only one holding up progress in the country

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As Trump has shown, the ā€œplausibleā€ part is superfluous. Implausible deniability is fine too. Just deny no matter what. It works great.


Which is why it shouldnā€™t happen at all.

What are we going to learn? That the Republican party is full of fascists? News at 11.

Then Tucker Carlson will whine about partisanship and Chuck Todd will both sides it when talking to Dan Crenshaw and Susan Collins.

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Itā€™s pretty annoying how the consensus is the Ds should drag the Rs about everything as much as possible and force them to take embarrassing votes but as soon as the Ds do that itā€™s suddenly stupid.

It would be good to know which fascist did what. History books are going to need content. Assuming history continues.

Manchin VORP declining.

Iā€™ve been saying this for a bit now. Republicans threaten their representatives with primaries or violence. Democrats donā€™t do shit and people like Biden are fine eating ice cream if it doesnā€™t work out. The AOCs of the party are more likely to get kicked out imo.


The consensus is they should do that shit and then nuke the filibuster after proving that negotiating with the Republicans is pointless. The Dem statements Iā€™ve seen arenā€™t for nuking the filibuster, theyā€™re somehow still surprised the Rs wonā€™t work with them just like they havenā€™t for the past 11 years.

Itā€™s like theyā€™re building a case to fire an employee who slacks off and does jack shit all day only once they build the case up theyā€™re stunned to find out Steve naps every day in his office from 11-2 and throw their hands up in disbelief.