The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Dems have cookouts to go to as well.


If they sit in the middle, theyā€™ve de facto chosen the other side. At least forcing them to choose openly will clarify whatā€™s going on for our side.

Make sure youā€™re sitting down.


Consider this a warning. If you continue obstructing Americaā€™s comeback for nakedly political reasons, I will be forced to read the list aloud on camera, DEVASTATING your future political ambitions.


Shocking news is shocking

Seriously if youā€™re one who Writes Your Congressman, do it and tell them youā€™ve donated your last dollar if you hear the word ā€œbipartisanshipā€ leave his/her/them lips ever again. It ainā€™t much but itā€™s all we got.

unlessā€¦ i meanā€¦ unless itā€™s the super obvious reason? no. no, couldnā€™t be.


Good post.

Honestly I think Manchin is legit delusional. In my opinion heā€™s like all theses Trump supporters voted for me, theyā€™re reasonable people, we can push Republicans to work with us because of these reasonable voters.

I think after this commission fails for bipartisanship and the debt ceiling does I think Maybe Manchin will finally come to his senses.

I honestly think the only rational course of action at this point is to have packed bags and a plan.


democrat senate primaries have started by the way. i just got a call from a progressive in NC. tell them that too!

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Biden gave everyone 4 years to get out or build a homestead.

If you have the means to do so itā€™s an existential free roll.

So, student debt relief is d.o.a., right? I have $12k of federal, and significantly more of state/private. The federal is still on pause with 0% interest. I have some money I could throw at it while the interest is not accruing, but if thereā€™s even a small hope of getting federal help that would probably not be wise.

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I think this article lays out some of the analysis fairly well:

They seem to agree that forgiveness is unlikely (especially in an amount that would completely wipe out your debt). Advocate making some minimum payments during the pause (so more of the $ goes to principal), but donā€™t throw big chunks at it at least until we get closer to Sept 30 and there is a better sense of whether the pause might get extended and/or forgiveness will get put into the budget bill.

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I came here to post this. Likeā€¦

The senior official noted that the Biden campaign repeatedly adjusted its tactics as the electoral rules changed throughout the 2020 election, and that Biden ultimately won more votes than any president in either party ever has. Looking ahead to 2022 and 2024, ā€œI think our feeling is, show us what the rules are and we will figure out a way to educate our voters and make sure they understand how they can vote and we will get them out to vote,ā€ the official told me. Through on-the-ground organizing, ā€œthere are work-arounds to some of these provisions,ā€ said a senior Democrat familiar with White House thinking, who also spoke with me on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.


Celinda Lake, a longtime Democratic strategist who served as one of Bidenā€™s chief pollsters in the 2020 campaign, seconds the argument that Biden should prioritize producing results, particularly on the economy, over raising alarms. ā€œRight now, thatā€™s not his job,ā€ Lake told me. ā€œHis job is to provide the Democratic alternative and to show what we can get done,ā€ so that voters will ā€œsay to themselves, ā€˜I donā€™t want to lose this; I donā€™t want to go backā€™ā€ to Republican control of Congress.

I mean I sort of understand the viewpoint that low-info voters are just not going to believe the message ā€œthe GOP is trying to end democracyā€ but the above sort of shit is just not going to get it done.

It would probably help if the liberal establishment hadnā€™t spent the Trump years running with the message ā€œTrump is an aberration in the GOP, good Republicans, take your party back!ā€ because they were psychologically incapable of confronting the reality.

The good news is that if the Dems lose the midterms, it wonā€™t become clear to the general public that democracy is over until 2024. So you have two years to get your plan ready to execute.

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Also re the Vox article, hereā€™s the concluding paragraph, after they discuss what happens if the Dems canā€™t pass election reform:

One thing I would ask Republicans: If it goes that way, what is it that you think you will have won? What are we even fighting about at this point? You got your corporate tax cuts. You got the Supreme Court. What is the purpose of this? Why do you want the power if it means alienating half the country and potentially breaking it up? I guess I just hope that there will be some introspection among party leaders when weā€™re approaching that precipice.

Man, that is bleak. Ask this guy, who is super clear eyed about the direction the GOP is going, what the alternative is to election reform and heā€™s like ā€œUm, I guess we could hope for introspection among Republican leaders where they conclude they donā€™t want to do a power grabā€. Yikes.

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Why not both?

Thanks for the link. I got an email from my federal loan service last night preparing me to start paying again so figured now was a good time to decide what to do. Ugh

Yea I wouldnā€™t throw a chunk at it until Sept 30th when interest goes back to the absurd 8.6% or whatever it was at for these loans. Still holding out hope that the pause gets extended or we hit a miracle debt relief 1 outter. As it is Iā€™m still paying $830/month ($400 of which goes to interest) on my non-paused loans. Iā€™m not itching to ship even more money out of my account.

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Itā€™s good to see so many of you coming around to the point I have been making for years. The problems of this country are unsolvable through elections as long as the Dem party is its current iteration.

My wife and I are planning on ex-pating by 2023.