The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I suppose there is a world where they cave massively on the infrastructure bill as a strategic move, knowing the GOP won’t vote for their own proposal, as a way to convince Manchin, but I just don’t give them credit for being able to act that strategically. I truly think Grandpa Joe is going to be shocked when it gets filibustered and nuked.

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The reality is a huge portion of Americans pay no attention to politics, think both sides are becoming too extreme and think blm stuff is the same as good attack on the capitol.

They think January 6th was a trump only thing, think it’s a function of both parties becoming too extreme, and think the answer is working together.


While this is true, the correct move is to talk about being nice and lowering the temperature blah blah blah while implementing your agenda when you have the power.


True, so true.

It’s exactly the same here wrt BJ & just today they interviewed some old age pensioners saying it, “Well he done his best with the pandemic” not even thinking of the massive death toll and that we do have a pretty capable NHS system that was caught short by underfunding, lack of proper PPE etc, alough I new it was coming I am still angry at them.

I need to step away soon or I’m going into another depression. :triumph:


“Nobody could have seen this coming”.

Asked 5 minutes later if she remembered being asked about the filibuster a short while ago, Feinstein replied “This is the first time I’ve heard it. No one has proposed it. No one has talked to me about it. So it’s a non-issue.”


Like we’re 4 months in, functionally 25% of their productive time in power, and we’re still confirming people? And Chuck thinks this is something to spike the football over? They’re just hopeless.

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As usual, this guy gets it.


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You mean they are in on it.

No, I’m not.

Really, all I’m saying is that we have two sides with irreconcilable differences that can’t be solved through normal democratic means. The people who deny that are basically Joe Manchin and need something to shock them into changing their position.

We should be thinking about what sort of things will make them face the reality of our polarized political world.


  • Incompetent gutless losers
  • In on it

0 voters

I don’t agree with this, or the previous claim of JM being able to be shocked into something he’s not, he is the enemy, he is not for the people, but only for his class of people and the likes of most here are not that, nor will they ever be nor should they be asked to commit to things that may get the federal authorities to look at them as an instigator of something bigger or worse.

Whether you or other want to believe that JM is capable of turning against his own enablers is absurd to me.

It’s a mixture. They’re incompetent gutless losers who are constrained by the donor class and don’t really give a fuck either way.


Yup, this… I voted in on it but it should be this :point_up_2:

Yeah, basically this. Even more than “constrained by the donor class” is the fact that any consequences of the idiotic things they do don’t affect them.

Dianne Feinstein is 87 years old and worth like a hundred million dollars. Do you think she knows what it’s like to struggle with student loans in 2021?

Many of them have never been anything close to poor. They don’t understand what life is like for poor and lower middle class people.


It’s this.

I don’t think the aim is to make home prices cheaper. And frankly, it shouldn’t be. For the majority of Americans the only way they will ever build wealth is through home ownership.

Also College tuition inflation and home prices aren’t really analogous at all. For one thing (among many others), hedge funds and Saudis aren’t buying seats at four year colleges.

Signed, a guy who would not have been able to afford his first home without a program like this (and who bought post-bubble burst).


Like they’re about to go on a Memorial Day recess. Make these motherfuckers stand up there and read the phone book for 3 days to block the 1/6 commission! This isn’t hard. Democrats just don’t get it.