The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

So true!

the most tragic part was he finally got it at the very end when it was too late. he was giving some speech grousing about how mitch and them didnā€™t want to give 2k checks and thatā€™s what cost him the election. lol yeah dude

It blows my mind libs keep thinking Mitch is some kind of master strategist, all the dude had to do was ship the cash to keep his power. Classic fish on a heater.

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This article doesnā€™t mention the filibuster once. It does not alert the reader that this is happening because Mitch McConnell is threatening to filibuster even the forming of committees. This is how he gets away with it. FUCK YOU MEDIA

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Yes and no. If his worst case scenario by not shipping the $2k was one of (a) lose the Senate for two years with no chance of the filibuster being eliminated, or (b) maintain control of all committees with no chance of the filibuster being eliminated, then itā€™s not that bad of a move. Plus, he got to fuck over the working class, which is a huge plus for the GOP. And GA was close as fuck, even after the $2k snub.

Heā€™s relying on Dems being pushovers addicted to decorum and unity, and heā€™ll probably be right in the end.
Thank you!


So can we ditch Monty and get this Stern guy a job?

Are you sure we can trust a guy that seems almost human?

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For the love of God, please donā€™t tell PocketChads.

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You canā€™t post $70k clips.

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The implication is there are a lot of good and qualified options that meet the requirements to fill the spot temporarily.

I am not taking that bet.

The Secretary of Defense has already been confirmed and sworn in.




End of first week scorecard

-Proposed largest bailout in global history with specific focus on targeting funds to minorities;

-reestablished the CFBP;

-proposed path to citizenship for millions, immediate green cards for DACA and critical workers;

-$15 minimum wage for federal workers;

-restore collective bargaining;

-eviction moratorium and student loan pause. Promise to ask Congress for loan relief;

-allows people to receive employment support if they quit an unsafe job;

-rejoins Paris accord;

-kills 1776;

-reinstates protections against discrimination based in gender and orientation;

-appoints trans woman to covid council;

-kill citizenship count as part of census;

-reverses Muslim ban;

-kills wall;

-starts OMB on modernizing regulatory regime; and

-appointed the most diverse cabinet ever.

Glaring omissions include;

-expansion of healthcare;

-reduction in military and police funding;

-funding climate change research; and

-wider policy on racial justice.

Scorecard: somewhere near Warren, far left of Obama.

Lots of work to do but reasonable start.


Thereā€™s some decent stuff in there for a dudeā€™s first 3 days in office but we might as well sticky this bit until the end of his Presidency:


Here are my highly scientific odds of progress on each.

-expansion of healthcare; 70% for some kind of expansion. 0% for m4a

-reduction in military and police funding; -20%

-funding climate change research; 95%

-wider policy on racial justice. 80%


Curious where we think this will be of any benefit. What is there to ā€œresearchā€? Everyone knows what has to be done they just donā€™t want to do it.


Lots of research left to do in alternative energy, carbon sequestration, waste to energy, climate adaptation, social response to climate change (eg., immigration, property rights, racial justice), ecology etc.


Yeah that makes sense. What I dont want to see is another big Commission Report about climate change that says No Really This Is Super Serious Now Guys.


Agree. That is a waste of money. The IPCC does this every year already. We need massive funding into the green economy and technological and social adaptations to climate change.

I think there is a pretty good chance this gets increased funding.

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