The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The sad thing is there is absolutely no reason for Dems to not at least take a shot at being LAG as hell on Covid relief.

Like, why not just do $2k checks? What is the downside? Ain’t nobody care about fiscal conservatism. Legit no one. It’s a talking point argument Rs use when they’re out of power and laugh at when they’re in power.

So if Ds are playing to win like Rs are there then they at least take a damn shot. And when they don’t, it’s like, what the hell are you guys doing here? That’s what makes it hard to argue that either they aren’t trying or they just play nitty as hell and get rolled over all day.


Preach, Bob!

“The next guy who wants to be dictator or whoever, he’s going to be a lot smarter than Trump,” said Robert Landry, a retired truck driver in Two Rivers, Wis. “If you don’t hold these people accountable and say, ‘No, this is too far,’ somebody’s going to come along and push it further. I believe some of those people are already in Congress.”

A political independent, Mr. Landry, 69, is hardly a moderate arguing for comity across the aisle. On the contrary, he lamented that former President Barack Obama had “tried to do kumbaya” after taking office, rejecting broad inquiries into the George W. Bush administration over domestic spying and the use of torture by the C.I.A.


FWIW, my 90 year old grandma gets this too. They are just god damn spineless.

I don’t know a single D voter who buys into Biden’s unity bullshit. He needs to stop drinking his own kool-aid and represent the people who actually voted for him.


No one buys into it but its still necessary. It’s much better for Biden to preach Unity while those below him go after the insurrectionists.

It’s like Tony Soprano saying “Look, relax,” while giving Christopher the go ahead.

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Yeah, I don’t care if he preaches unity. I don’t want him to do unity. Not on this.


Fair enough. I think he needs to but I get it if you don’t think so. To me, he can’t “attack” Trump because if the Senate doesn’t do anything, they will turn it on Biden and say it was revenge. And that shit works.

His hands are completely clean on impeachment/conviction.

“Unfortunately, what I want doesn’t matter here. The constitution places this responsibility on the legislative branch. There is nothing I can do.”

That what he says. Then, behind the scenes, his surrogates go HAM on conviction.

Wow, so about 1.25 million if you include college.


I mean, isn’t that what they are doing? He was impeached and Nancy is giving Schumer the articles on Monday.

Maybe. I don’t know exactly how much work is being done behind the scenes.

Even if Biden was hardcore against it, things would likely be unfolding the same way. The articles of impeachment already passed before Biden was President. Pelosi would really be going out on a limb if she just buried them (not even sure if she can). So she has to give them to Schumer.

trump had plenty of time to think of shit like this with his twitter break

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If you told me on 1/7/21 that Trump would be impeached a 2nd time by 1/20/21 I would have laughed in your face. Like it or not, this shit takes time. It took 3 years to impeach Trump the 1st time. It basically took 3 days to impeach him a 2nd time. Watergate took 2 years. This shit takes time. They are moving at lightning speed.

Well, it’s been about 6 months since 1/6, so it’s not that fast.


Brag: I’m apparently going to be a multi millionaire but spend it all because
Beat: I’m soon to have a second kid
Variance: Had sex


The dynamic is pretty weird right now.

The media is mostly still going with the both sides unity nonsense, but even rank and file centrists are not buying it anymore.

Who is the audience for “will Biden be able to do the bipartisanship?” Literally nobody believes that. I guess there is a potential benefit to the charade, but I really don’t think so at this point. Manchin et al do not need cover, even their stupidest and most naive voters know what’s going on.


i’m not clicking a breitbart link until primaries in 2024.


trump set a very combative partisan tone for 4 years. he didn’t even pretend to try. he had a real opportunity to push republicans to support popular liberal policies and take all the credit, and he STUPIDLY tried to push democrats to support unpopular republican policies by tweeting mean things about them lol what a fuckin moron