The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Exactly this. How can you possibly stand on stage and tell people you think your policies are correct for America and that people should vote for you because of them, and then immediately concede that actually your policies aren’t as good as they would be if they had substantial GOP input?


Any response to a call for compromise should be “Did the Republicans compromise when they rammed through their totally partisan Tax Cuts and Jobs Act? Okay, fuck you then. We were elected by a majority of the American voters and are going to do things that are popular with a majority of American voters.”


Oh good.

I think I’m finally to the point where I’ll be able to just laugh when it doesn’t pass anyway.


Don’t we have a therapist on board ? We need someone to create a cognitive behavioral therapy regime that slowly allows us to stop caring about politics because what is coming is going to just make me so unhappy.

Democrats are just going to give up on democracy and the world is slowly going to go to shit and by that point there is nothing we can do

I’d like to be able to just stop caring and going back to making money and just living a good, fun, happy life not consumed by WAAF.

To be clear while there is a fighting chance I’ll fight. Buy I figure once we don’t get all the shit we need to done including voting rights and we lose the house it’s over and withdrawing from politics is the move. Invest more in local acts of kindness which I’m already trying to step up


What’s so irritating is that the electorate did its job! In the face of all the bullshit, the people delivered Democratic majorities! And with the power to actually save the country they’re doing to do…nothing. It’s so fucking obvious how this is going to play out.

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This is idiotic.

Yeah this is going to go straight into boomers pockets. You want to do something about home prices you stop private equity from buying rentals somehow.

I don’t even know where to start.

Houses cost a million dollars. They’re giving 25k in support. So people that can’t afford million dollar houses can buy a house for $975,000. Surely they can afford that!

And that’s not even realistic. Housing prices are going up too fast so they are … adding more demand side buying power? That should work.

Can someone even explain the logic of what they hope this will accomplish?

Make the rich richer


Great job chucky

It’s because most of them deep down do agree with it.

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A+ trolling

Someone mentioned Dems might have to nuke the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling to avoid default soon. That would pave the way for all the other shit we need.

No way Mitch is so dumb he forces Dems to nuke the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling right? Unless they are banking on nuking the filibuster to be their 2022 campaign focus.

That would plus them refusing the commission makes me kinda hopeful again.

Lol me. The optimist refuses to die


They can still go lower


Yeah they aren’t voting for it but the republicans are just dragging down the ceiling for the future.

The democrats are demonstrably dumb collectively. I am not sure about all of them individually.

If Manchin would support a limited nuking of the filibuster to allow for the debt ceiling to be raised, Dems should tell him it’s all or nothing and threaten to default the government. In general, progressives should consider hostage-taking on this key point to move centrist Democrats leftward.

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They hope that want to be home buyers spend less time “saving” up for a ten percent down payment and get into overwhelming debt more quickly.

The machine needs to maximize the output and everyone’s paycheck acquirement.