The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

This 100% on Biden. He’s been banging the bipartisanship drum louder than anyone. Until he stands up in a Presidential address and calls the Republicans what they are (which will require him to admit he was wrong), he leaves this opportunity available to the Rs.


Please stop making us dopes click his links and give us the spoiler immediately; so we aren’t complicit again in making these fuckwits clickbaitsuccessful.
Give us the blurry author pic thingy.

He doesn’t…actually believe this will pass, does he?


100%. 110%.

Manchin is still not on board with reconciliation and is saying he supports COVID relief funds instead of higher taxes to pay for it.

I’ve been skeptical of a deal (still am) but a trillion and a handshake deal with Manchin to leave the 2017 corporate tax cuts/high end tax cuts in place might get 10 Republican votes.

Manchin also rejected calls to pull the plug on talks between the White House and Senate Republicans if no infrastructure deal materializes by Memorial Day. Echoing the position of Republicans, he said it’s a “reasonable path forward” to reallocate money from the Covid relief laws that hasn’t been spent to help pay for the infrastructure plan.

If this is accurate then there is no path forward besides more negotiation as they don’t have 50 votes


Romney, Capito, Wicker, Portman, Collins, Murkowski so would have to find four more.

I’m talking a $1 trillion deal with additional strings attached I.e. no tax hikes during this Congress.

I still think this eventually gets done via reconciliation, but at the whims of Manchin and the timeline is getting a bit tight for the September deadline to use last years reconciliation and still be able to do a 2022 budget. Am getting more worried that the end product gonna look closer to the Republican proposal because Manchin.

Sorry, Manchin says he “can’t take the fallout” of nuking filibuster for 1/6 commission, feeling WAAFy tonight, might be coloring my views

there’s some credence to the idea that WH moved $600b out of infrastructure and into other legislation as a concession, but of course they are killing their own messaging, and while trying to accomplish something, they appear oblivious to foxnews/oann/wsj doing real damage to progressive ideas every hour of every day.


Wait, is Susan Collins actually still considered a moderate by some, and not the lying faker that she has repeatedly shown herself to be?

Who still believes her after all the ACTUAL votes she has made despite her wish washy bullshit statements…?.

Her legislative votes have made clear how far she is down the deplorable scale.
Check her actual legislative votes,not the pointless pretending to be moderate drivel she puts forth on TV.

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I have no illusions of what she is. I do think she signs up for a GOP designed infrastructure bill with existing tax cuts cemented in place for two years.

Pretty Good Media Outlet Choice here. At least someone gets it.

The primary strategy that has worked—and we now have 160 years of empirical evidence to back this up—has been putting the full force of the federal government on the side of equality, justice, and democracy for people of all racial backgrounds, not just white people.

What hasn’t worked is seeking compromise with those contemptuous of democracy, the Constitution, and the social contract underlaying it. Compromise only works when all parties are operating in good faith and subscribing to the same set of core values. How do you compromise with people who identify more with lynchers than with those being lynched?


He should be told he was removed for crimes against humanity.

Problem is they get cowed into not responding thinking calling out republicans proves their lack of bipartisanship.

Dems need to end this 500 game losing streak of checkers to the republicans.? It just is embarrassing.

If he is okay w 1 trillion why not 800 billion.

Dems are worst negotiators in history. I wish they sold cars.

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Bipartisanship is calling for diplomacy in a time of war. Dems need to be more pro-war and start dropping bombs like it’s Dresden.

The democrats position should be “We don’t negotiate with terrorists. Especially racist terrorists”.

And when the republicans get their fees hurt, say it again but this time louder.

Every time they try to approach this as a discussion or compromise they themselves legitimize racism, bigotry and hate.


This brand new car costs 20000, how does that sound?

I’ll give you 1000

I know last time I sold a car to you that you talked me down to 3000, but we can work together. How about 15000


Oh come on 10000?


Pretty please. How about 5000?


You’re mean. But I really need to sell this car…3000?


Well 2000 last offer

Well you’re twisting my arm about 1010?


See we can work together after all! What a great bipartisan deal this was!


You’re forgetting the part where the guy proceeds to tell everyone on earth what a POS you are for selling it to him for 1000 and launches a personal campaign to ruin you for it.




The biggest problem with this, aside from wasting time, is you implicitly accept the opponents premise. By compromising when you have the power to implement whatever you want, you’re telling the world you agree with the opponent’s pretextual (and substantively idiotic) “concerns.”