The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I don’t think it’s a free roll. It gives them everything they want. It gives them a talking point that the Dems admit that they were asking for too much in the first place. When they subsequently don’t vote for their own bill the media will invite them all on TV to talk about how Joe Biden is so bad at bipartisanship get can’t even get Republicans to vote on their own bill. So they get no bill, they get Dems to start negotiations again from a lower starting point, and they get to spread their lies that it’s all a Biden administration failure.

The Rs are a domestic terrorist group. The whole situation calls for calling them that and refusing to negotiate with them and FUCKING TELL AMERICANS WHY!


Yeah don’t these idiots who support BIG COAL and our farmers want higher prices for those groups? Sounds like Biden is looking out for the important folk


This is reminding me of that twitter thread posted on here about the Indian guy who order some Wheat and a ton came on a truck. Hilarious :blush:

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sounds like joe is bringing back coal and farming!

and ponies!

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I know it doesn’t matter but




“We implore the leopards who ate peoples’ faces to help us discover exactly why faces were eaten, and prevent any future face-eating.”

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it’s always projection with these republican assholes.

Last week, I predicted that President Biden would reach a “compromise” with Republicans on a hard infrastructure package of roughly $800 billion, hold a bipartisan signing ceremony at the White House, and then pass the other $1.5 trillion in his plan using the budget reconciliation process, which requires no GOP votes. That way, he’d get everything he wanted — his whole $2.3 trillion plan — just in two bites, while getting credit for delivering on his promise of bipartisanship.

I was wrong. Apparently, Biden doesn’t care about getting credit for bipartisanship. He just doesn’t want the blame for killing it.

That’s the clear message of the president’s “counteroffer” to Republicans. With great fanfare, his administration announced he was ready to cut his spending plan from $2.3 trillion to $1.7 trillion, but warned the president was ready to go it alone if Republicans did not come up significantly from their $800 billion offer.

On the surface, this might seem like a good-faith effort to negotiate. In truth, it’s not.

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Thiessen’s heart just isn’t in it anymore.

I guess this is the theme of the day. Gleick gets it.

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Let’s be fair. The US system is so broken they have little time or energy to do anything but run for election/re-election.

Seems like the proper response to the Republican bill is to instacall with a 3.4 billion infrastructure bill. Then 7.8 billion. But it better be clean infrastructure.

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Part of the modern reality is one party feeds their base and donors by doing things. The other by stopping things from happening.

The later is significantly less difficult, most of the time.

I was thinking don’t republican donors want to be feed some sweet pork sandwiches? But no stopping things is ultimately way more important for them and their businesses.

Actual infrastructure will hugely benefit massive corporations. But the GOP isn’t run by corporate interests anymore, the inmates are running the asylum.

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I literally just fell out of my kitchen chair

I mean this clown said the republicans opening offer of 800 billion was hard and should have been the final number. Lol him. F him in the gourd with a jai alia stick.

Seems to me the republicans should move an equal amount and meet at 1.4 billion, split the difference and end up at 1.55 billion.

Democrats have to stop letting them talk nonsense about bipartisanship. Even if it means explaining it every time.

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Shubow says he refused to resign and is seeking an explanation for his termination. He described the ousting as “an attack on classical and traditional architecture,” pointing to how the commissioners who were removed were strong proponents of classical architectural design.

sure that’s why you were removed.

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Classical and traditional architecture deserve to be attacked.

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