The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Sounds like the plan is a September reconciliation bill based on the calendar (lol working summers)

They have until the end of September to use reconciliation for this supposedly.

Manchin and company have delayed starting down this path so it will take awhile

Lol so 4 more months minimum? That’s like 30% of their remaining realistic window to do anything.

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It’ll be actually hilarious if they somehow muster up the political will to nuke the filibuster and pass HR1, but then run out of time before actually doing it, get slaughtered in the midterms and never see a majority again.

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End of September then in the fall they will do the '22 budget by reconciliation and that should take us into early '22.

But I assume (lol me) that would be both parts of the infrastructure bill in that Sept bill and they could do it their own way without concessions, so would be a substantive bill at least.

Hopefully COVID really down for the count because if we ever need another COVID relief bill this all turns to dust.

I mean…

Come on.

They put a date and a dollar amount on it, my guess is that it’s a bare minimum but still going to be very popular bill that strips out entirely how to pay for it.

My hope is that the Dems just shove over them and pass it in reconciliation with the punish the rich part. Then we can run on how we raised taxes on the rich as the GOP tried to stop us. Sticking it to the elites is super popular I hear.

Of course we won’t lol. Obviously. If they make a 1.7T offer the Dems will probably take it and share the credit with them. Like idiots.

Mitch’s current negotiating position is $600b.

in what world are the republicans making a 1.7t offer? feels like under 1t is a near lock, with outside chance of 1.1.

They’d still all vote no.

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$1.7 is the White House offer. GOP offer is going to be much smaller. Correct about pay fors as altering the 2017 tax bill is a Republican “red-line”.

I doubt this compromise is going anywhere. Just at matter of what the Dems can get through unilaterally and how many compromises they will need to make to bring every Dem along

Reublicans will vote against it even if Democrats adopt the GOP bill. It just happened on the 9/11 commission.

2.3 to 1.7 to GOP counter

Why not just pass literally whatever the Rs put on the table for now, barring stuff that is restrictive rather than additive, then pass whatever you want, including tax increases, in reconciliation? Free “bipartisan” chicken.

The Rs don’t want to pass anything other than tax cuts for the rich and anything that hurts non-white people.

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Maybe my expectations are not low enough but did they manage to include that even in their compromise infrastructure package? I get that they will likely even vote against their own bill but it’s a free roll to try to take them up on it.

Kevin keeps it real

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Did something happen in 2020 that may have curbed demand for some of those things, I wasn’t paying attention.


They probably dont want to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill then a Dems only tax hike.

one ton of coal? seriously? how ever will I make ends meet now that I have to pay so much more for coal for my coal furnace.

Also like how it’s apr 2020 vs 2021 meaning in theory on that chart a certain president is at least half responsible…

but as much as I wanna clown on them, it’s a political winner to complain about gas prices so that’ll have to come down by midterms

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Great time to be a NO-LONGER-FORGOTTEN American farmer/ gas and oil man/ lumberjack! #BuildBackBetter