The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


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I doubt I’ll be around to see Utah turn blue but this is still interesting. I’ll add that the precinct that includes BYU went for Biden.

millennials let obama down second time around

Yeah, I think they’ve figured out a way around that problem.

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I said that in a Facebook argument in 2008 though I didn’t include the reasonably fair part. It turns out that’s fairly important.

ehh, maybe. if you want to do some high level science or technology, just being around good departments does wonders, and not just through networking. it’s just not the same resources, however unfair that sounds. i constantly look back at my undergrad at a reasonably good department and i remember professors and staffers dropping a random gold nuggets every other lecture or day in the lab. i still ponder that shit to this day.

similar thing happened exactly once in my grad years at a state school. not even exaggerating it. it was during an argument i had with the dept chair in office hours.

I wish I knew that most universities were basically equal to each other when I was a teenager. I went to Penn State because that’s what everybody in rural PA says is the best university.

It wasn’t the right university for me personally. Should’ve gone to a different university because the only people who care about the differences between them don’t have roles in higher management.

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Aren’t there like 500 people on the Penn St board? Isn’t it also true they have to take a Paterno blood oath?

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Leave Gen-X alone, we’re sitting out the Boomer/Millennial wars.



So how long we just gonna do nothing while Republicans “negotiate?” Like 2 more months? 6? Until Pat Leahy croaks and is replaced by George Zimmerman?

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The situation is infuriating, but the bolded is never happening.


And I wouldn’t be surprised. Penn State has a cult following in rural Pennsylvania. If they’re willing to cover up kid fucking, I’m sure animal sacrifice and demon summonings aren’t out of the question.

Until Republicans have enough votes in congress to unilateral ram through whatever they want with negotiating.


Yeah picking a college is a horrible decision for a sixteen/seventeen year old to make and their families aren’t much better because they likely don’t know what they really want.

Be much better if you could time travel to fifty then go back and pick a college/university/trade school/muse

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It was doubly tough for me because I was the first person in my family to go to college. They had just as much experience with this as I did.


Dems are never getting Republican votes and are also never nuking the filibuster. All of this “negotiating” is just a dog and pony show for both sides. The GOP can run on we blocked and opposed Biden’s RADICAL SOCIALIST AGENDA and the Dems can do their usual which is to throw their hands up and say they tried.

It’s possible that they try and do something like this through reconciliation but if they are then what is the point of negotiating against themselves here?

We expect teenagers to make monumental life decisions and then shriek at them when they’re saddled with debt and they choose the “wrong major.” It’s a fun game.


We’re watching the Democrats flush our country straight down the fucking toilet. It is absolutely infuriating. For about 6 weeks they kind of seemed to get it, now we’re all the way back to 2009. Fucking impotent losers, nothing makes me angrier. At least Reublicans are honest about who they are.


Same. Zero guidance or support.

We need another QAnon attack on the capitol to remind the Dems what the stakes are. They seem to respond well to unruly mobs.