The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

This is the closest to a general current politics thread, I think, so

Odds-on favorite just means favored, right? No way are they better than say, 3 to 2? I mean, that’s pretty bad for us but far from hopeless.

I’ve seen that phrase defined two ways:

  1. Over 50% chance
  2. Has the highest probability of the available options, even if it doesn’t reach 50%

1 for me - 2 is just favourite not odds-on.

Hmm. I may have a tendency to think in binary terms so I assumed he meant >50%. Maybe not tho.

It’s absolutely more likely than not. They only have to win once.

Also, there’s another related thing worth mentioning, in that IV schools aren’t the end all be all for getting access to all the top jobs. If you know a particular region where you want to work, like Florida, there are going to be a lot of cheaper options than a Harvard degree that will set you up as good or better as far as landing a good job in your career of interest in Florida, because networking is just as important if not more so than your grades for landing your first job. At a good state school like UF, you are going to be running elbows with a huge majority of the kids of most wealthy and influential people in Florida at a fraction of the price of an IV degree.

I mean. They’re doing this in plain sight, and instead of ringing the alarm the media is writing Dems in disarray stories and asking Nazis how they feel about George Floyd.

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Ivy degrees are replacement level for most careers. They mean nothing for aspiring doctors and very little for aspiring lawyers. Ditto for tech. They matter a fuckton if you want to be an investment banker or private equity bro, or really just want to work on Wall Street generally, but that’s about it.

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The fascist right actually stormed the capitol a few months ago.

We share memes.

Sweet Summer Child me if you want, but that may have been their high-water mark.

I feel so bad for them.

This is good point. In Texas it’s going to be region dependent but a UT degree is worth a lot and there are some country boys who would turn their nose up at an Ivy League degree.

While the U.S. creaks along atop rusting 19th and 20th century infrastructure, China is busy building out the world’s largest high-speed rail network, exceeding even Japan’s.

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UT kind of is an ivy in the same sense as the UC schools. Not kidding.

They had a couple of Nobel winners on the physics faculty but the dept is second-rate (third?) according to a 22 luminary.

Except in Texas where it’s s tier lol.

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UT let me in so they clearly aren’t all that special.


If by the same sense, you mean “Is not one”, then I’d agree. It’s not exactly meant to be a knock on UT. It just is what it is: a really good state school. And if you’re going stay in TX, then it may give you a leg up over other schools that are objectively better.

If you plan to live and work in Texas, UT > SMU (though if you go there you probably will never work anywhere other than dad’s dealership or oil company) >>>>>> anywhere > Harvard

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Ted Cruz seems to be doing just fine in TX with his fancy Harvard degree.