The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It’s hard to remember but in any kind of a remotely representative system the GOP would already be 6 feet under.

The problem here isn’t convincing idiotic racists, that’s hopeless. It’s structural.


Biden abortions

This is evergreen the highest testing phrase among republicans versus any other phrase not involving Trump in a positive light.

Don’t we essentially not have campaign finance laws since the FEC is 2-2 and is now a purely partisan institution?

Lol they’ve learned nothing. Another week gone.

equal gop/dem members to a commission is now “slanted and unbalanced”?

geez, republican party needs to die.

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Okay start the one sided commission then. When they complain about it remind them they refused to participate in an equal sided commission and then give them a raspberry.

Constantly asking your opponents for permission to do basic common sense shit that is wildly popular is absolutely insane.


I assume Manchin is opposing the Jan 6th committee because it is not bipartisan?

They’re just going to let the GOP filibuster the insurrection thing?

You have all the committees. Just fucking do it you impotent fucking losers.

“You know why people hate liberals? Because they lose. If liberals are so fucking smart how come they lose so god damn always.”



28, er 21, er sorry 15.

Bold Decisive Action from the Biden admin.

global minimum is worldwide. 28 or 21 is the US tax.

they should also have a global minimum wealth and estate tax. because rich people suck.

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The US was previously proposing a 21% global minimum.

ahh, i missed the context i guess. no idea what enforcement mechanisms are going to exist for this. like WTO might be left to do what exactly? ruling against country’s trade disputes if they are essentially subsidizing their corp profits?

Let’s be clear, those minimums are +15%. Cause the current minimums are mostly likely negative numbers.

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Set it at like 40% and enforcement is your entire 1% and political establishment gets guillotined if you break it

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Infrastructure has been cut from 2.3T to 1.7T. I’m sure the Republicans will agree now!

Fucking Biden voters.

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omg can you imagine if the US military enforced shit like this instead of corporations’ access to natural resources?

like park a battleship off of monte carlo and start shelling until they surrender


Infrastructure week? More like infrastructure weak!