The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Its hard to argue this point. Where are any of America’s institutions going to find the resilience to overcome all the Republicans that will just say the election doesn’t count?

I know that you are not a utilitarian. But that is because you give weight to matters of principle. What I am suggesting is that the weight should not necessarily be infinite. If it is finite you can take your principle into account without being forced to come to a different conclusion than the utilitarian. So it would be sort of quasi utilitarianism


There’s some evidence of a massive generation gap unlike previous generations created by Trump and, I suspect also by social media.

Ah yes, I love this bipartisanship talk. It’s like a recurring reminder that I should be looking for deals on Costa Rican homesteading properties.


Not sure what your problem is, the eDems are working hard to ensure the Reeducation Camps use at least* 53% renewable energy.

*Not really. These are just guidelines, there’s no penalty for noncompliance.

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Trump Jr. will remove the solar panels.

While Joe Manchin goes on CNN and talks about how nice they are

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This article is lawnmower material

Instead, the liberal push has become more focused on political outreach to ensure that progressive voters are sufficiently outraged about the new laws to apply pressure on senators and get out the vote next year.

Lolololol why should they be outraged when YOU WONT FUCKING DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT?

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I want to skip to the end and read what the future writes about us.

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I gotcha fam

“Lol humans.” The end

And Don Gately’s in Infinite Jest (I think, going from memory).


FYI. No idea if this applies to anyone here, but I am sharing it in my local community groups with no partisan spin attached. Showing these republicans that democrats can do things that benefit them is how we start deprogramming the crazy.

Website (which has a media toolkit with different flyers and PDFs)


Am I supposed to scowl because he got a job in the Biden administration or laugh because this is the best he could do?


The thing that bothers me about democrats is they try to pretend they’re above cronyism but they’re honestly just as bad as trump. Wtf are his qualifications for that role?

He likes sushi :sushi:


Not saying you’re wrong, but I bet Chief of Staff to POTUS and Big City Mayor put him in the top 5% qualified to be Ambassador. Beats being a handbag designer (no not Ivanka.)


It’s better than anything trump could come up with, sure. But that’s a pretty low bar :/

Sending Rahm across the world is fine by me, even if it is a fairly choice destination.


He gets to chill in Japan and do nothing.