The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Manchin is a regular Ashton Kutcher.

It can be way harder than what you seem to think.


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They are doing something, they’re gonna beat him but, uh, amplifying his message?

yeah, that’s an own goal

One of the reasons Liz Cheney is in trouble is for fist bumping Biden at the SotU.

On Wednesday night, Chris Cuomo prefaced his interview with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) by playing two clips of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 11 years apart. The first, from 2010, showed McConnell claiming quite infamously, “Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term.”

The second was from earlier Wednesday, in which McConnell said of President Joe Biden, “One hundred percent of our focus is on stopping this new administration.”

And with that, Cuomo began his interview with Manchin by asking, “Do you think that your party is being set up again to be fooled again by Mitch McConnell?”


lol waaf


Christ, when even Chris Fucking Cuomo is exasperated at how pathetic Democrats are being…


This transcript has a Monty Python vibe to it.

Your arm’s fallen off!
No it hasn’t!


Fucking fucker

You have to be a brain dead moron to think either:

A)Republicans will ever vote for Biden policy


B)Democrats will nuke the filibuster for anything that really matters and go scorched earth.

I’m sure a some people reading this are prepping their BUT ACKSHULLLYYYY line of bullshit. Unfortunately that is the reality though. The only thing that matters is what that really means for US citizens going forward. I think that part actually is debateable.

The most frustrating thing, is we had just literally one more Democrat senator, I think HR1 would pass. But so fucking hard seeing it passing. Hard to understate how fucking bad it will be if it doesn’t pass.

I tend to agree with this tbh. Sinema and Manchin give each other cover and the media distributes it as REASONABLE MODERATE DEMOCRATS. The farther away we get from 50/50 the less any of that matters especially the actual clowns in congress.

The fact the Dems barely won vs. Trump in the middle of a pandemic he badly bungled does not bode well imo.

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Americans are ugly and brutish. Republicans are evil and bigoted. Dems are dumb and corrupt. The media is coopted and complicit. The playing field is geographically stacked against progress.

Hard to see a path for much goodness.

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To me the only question is when, or if, demographic change in the form of olds dying will make its impact. It’s going to be a while and the US looks doomed until then. That said, gotta temper that with some humility about how hard this stuff is to predict.

I wouldn’t hold my breath. There are plenty of deplorable young people. Tomorrow’s Failson is today’s College Legacy Admission.

We’re done with actual elections after 2024.

Are the dems not clued in that the Republican agenda is to oppose EVERY SINGLE THING they try to do at EVERY SINGLE LEVEL of government.

There is not anything a democrat does anywhere that will not be opposed by a Republican and/or Joe Manchin.