The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

More lolololol

I give up


They think it shouldn’t be a game of political football and feel that participating in such a game hastens the decline of the republic.

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I mean you can also exempt farmers if you want. Its not that hard to define qualifying farm property, Canada’s tax act does for example.

what manchin meant to say was “i believe there are democrats working with republicans,” but he slipped.


This is one of the most utterly infuriating sequence of events. Every time I think about how badly we got owned by fucking mitch McConnell it makes me rage. And the fact that nobody with any power seems to care makes it that much worse.

Not only that, the median D voter is far more upset about it than the median D congressperson. I can’t think of a single Democratic Senator who has expressed genuine, deeply felt rage. They think Mitch is their friend.


Thats because they have lunch with these people all the time and get bribed by the same lobbyists. They are friends.


Congress is basically a social club, and the Dems within it are more concerned with their standing within the club than producing any meaningful change for regular folks, i.e. folks not in the club.



Breyer recently came out strongly against court packing and went hard at people for politicizing the court lololololol. The libs on the court are so fucking stupid.

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This is all theatre. See recent dissents by Sotomayor where she keeps raising the red flag and calling out the politicalization of the court.

They’re liberals but they’re not partisans. If people tried to push Breyer to resign for political reasons, that would probably only make him dig his heels him and be less likely to resign in order to prove that he’s not acting like a partisan Democrat.

They’re not stupid. They just have different values and goals and they are willing to accept undesirable outcomes as an effect of doing what they think is right.

Doing “what is right” should be assigned a weight in utils which is then put on the scale and may or may not tip the balance. But different issues should have different weights on these " do the ends justify the means" cases. Weights for the preferable ends and weights for the badness of doing what is not right. Would you accept such an adjusted utilitarian technique?

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That might be the right way to do utilitarian calculus, but what if I’m not a utilitarian?

Nah, when I say that I mean the WSJ’s of the world always refer to the mythical farmer as to why we cant roll back these tax credits.

There’s actually a third and arguably more lol gem in that article. The Biden line in the sand is…deficit spending?

“I’m going to meet the Republicans next week when they get back in,” Biden said. “I’m willing to compromise, but I’m not willing to not pay for what we’re talking about.”

The standard lethal injection protocol, which is:

  1. Sodium thiopental or phenobarb - sedatives that will stop you from breathing
  2. Pancuronium - paralytic that stops breathing
  3. A big ass push of potassium

should make it so you don’t feel it.

The big fuckups that I’ve read about WRT lethal injection all involve bad IV placement. If the meds are going into your muscle or skin instead of your vein, it’s going to hurt and not work very well.

According to wiki, ohio protocol is basically what you’re talking about (40 mg of dilaudid - a good pain dose is like 0.5mg is involved).

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Meh, it’s way easier to do than you think. Especially when someone is a fat diabetic former drug user. Obviously the context is very different, but that happens with IV meds somewhat regularly.

Is there a reason they don’t just use straight fentanyl?

Where are we gonna find that stuff in Ohio?


Fentanyl is too short acting.

Fentanyl is one of my favorite drugs in any sort of critical care context. It’s ultra fast acting, provides great pain control, and wears off quickly. If you get into trouble with it, it’s easy to manage the airway for 15-30m without being super aggressive.

The reason why short acting is bad in this context is that it’s pretty easy for someone to come through on the other side. Hydromorphone (aka Dilaudid) would be much better as it wouldn’t wear off as fast.