The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Lol is is always the farmers with this shit

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Why do you hate farmers, you must want people starve?

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I imagine my family has used this for farm equipment, but I doubt we have ever used it for land. Most farms im familiar with don’t shuffle land around like this article described, unless it can somehow apply to land farmers rent? The only farms that might use this regularly would be massive ones, like Duda or Deseret, and they are basically land development businesses.

Don’t most of the things have $5-10M exemptions which protect almost all family farms? So the whole argument is just a cover story for the commercial farms and land developers masquerading as farms trying to get out of taxes?

The provision in question has almost no applicability for farmers. They’re just throwing BUT THE FARMERS in there as a lazy PR move.

When Bush was trying to repeal the estate tax completely they literally couldn’t find a single farm that was sold due to estate tax (and they really tried). It’s all bullshit and theater.


Whether he believes it or not it’s fucking stupid to say it out loud. It’s even dumber to say it if he doesn’t believe it. He’s just setting himself up for the bullshit bad faith “but you said you could work with Republicans, why are you failing??” arguments. Just come out and say Mitch is a fucking asshole and he’s hurting the American people, jesus.


I don’t actually know, I was just basing that opinion off how the article described how the provision was used and what I know of how farmers operate. The farmers I know aren’t flipping fields in any meaningful way that would make sense under what that article is saying.

You’re just figuring this out now? Saving “family farms” has always been a bullshit cover for giving corporate welfare to massive industrial agribusinesses.


The remaining independent farmers can go work retail with everyone else.

Not me. I knew this already. I grew up in small towns.

But every farmer you meet will claim they are worried about it.

Breyer’s going to cash out like a week after Dems lose the House and it’s going to be a good six years before they get another chance at seating another SCOTUS pick. F’ing McConnell has discovered the Konami cheat code for permanently controlling an entire branch of government.

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Of all the insane shit going on the fact that Breyer hasn’t stepped down has to be top three. It is just plain insanity.

It is very hard to not start thinking in conspiracy theories.

Everyone’s been posting that the Dems losing control of Congress in 2022 is the end of the world, so if Breyer retiring doesn’t change the results of the mid-term elections, then in the long run, it doesn’t matter if he retires now or two years from now.

Breyer declining to step down now is consistent with a belief that the courts are supposed to be non-partisan and apolitical. That belief may be wrong, however.

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This makes zero sense.

What makes zero sense? Breyer’s acting in line with the way he wants the world to be, rather than the way that we think it actually is. He also may be genuinely apolitical on some level and doesn’t care about partisan politics. I wouldn’t be shocked if he has never voted in an election while a judge because he thinks that would be inappropriate.

There’s nothing conspiratorial about it. DC is run by a bunch of old folks who think they’re living in the good old days where the SCOTUS wasn’t a cutthroat game of political football. No one wants to pressure their old friend into retirement.

Imagine watching the differences between the vacancies left by Scalia and Ginsburg and still thinking that SCOTUS isn’t a game of political football.


Which is why I don’t buy the theory they think it is non political. These are not dumb people.