The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Is nitrogen what is often used in assisted suicide cases?

I guess it depends on the definition of firing squad.

A line of dudes with rifles aiming at my general area? No thanks seems like they might miss.

A trained sniper armed with a Barrett .50 cal aiming for my head? OK.

All of this is hypothetical, instead we should just abolish the death penalty.


I wonder if this approach would work with my MAGAt cousins.

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They probably think the death penalty as currently practiced is insufficiently painful.

lol possibly. But they are weird MAGAts.

Like, they lived in Louisville until this year, and they were all over social media with posts about justice for Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Especially Breonna.

I have trouble figuring them out…they definitely aren’t Q people or election deniers, either. They’ve both fully vaxxed.

They could be gotten to, I just dunno how. Also, they live across the country from me, so I don’t interact with them often.

Uh, Cal-Mex brought us the Mission style burrito and the lesser but still good California style burrito.


Death by snu snu


I prefer sentencing people to solitary confinement for life.

Death penalty should have been abolished the first time they executed someone they later proved to be innocent. Well I mean death penalty should have never been in place anyway.


“Authentically Mexican” cuisine is sometimes a nebulous and often silly concept given how the US/Mexican border is porous and sometimes moves around. It also undercuts a lot of great Tex-Mex and Southwestern cooking and probably a lot of great stuff from Southern California. A lot of Tex-Mex stuff dates back to when Texas was in Mexico.


I remember watching this doc. The thing that stood out to me was that nitrogen was apparently quick - a couple of minutes - and painless in that it brought on a state of euphoria before death. Victims families were not happy about that - they wanted those death row prisoners to suffer.

There’s a clear difference between American Chinese and authentic Chinese or Italian-American and authentic Italian. Which doesn’t make the Americanized food bad, just different.

But taco salad is something that was invented in the US in the mid-20th century. I don’t think anyone can reasonably dispute that.

I’d much rather go out by firing squad than be lethally injected or gas chambered or hanged. Seems like the least likely to be botched, by far.

dammit, now I am craving a California burrito.

It’s kinda funny, though, that San Diego claims this invention. Mexicans and New Mexicans have been putting potatoes in their burritos for a long time. French fries are just a shortcut.

The best breakfast burrito at Golden Pride in Albuquerque is the #9 with eggs, potatoes, green chile and bacon. Cannot be beat.

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meh I’ve got a few people I wouldn’t give a shit about how they killed em.

agree with no death penalty, but man there’s some things I’m familiar with that I wouldn’t care about.

You’re advocating torture. A lot of people would take the death penalty over that.



He knows. That’s his whole schtick.


“Look, he said that in our last administration, (with former President) Barack (Obama, that) he was going to stop everything – and I was able to get a lot done with him,” Biden told reporters in the State Dining Room

Joe Biden on Mitch McConnell saying he’s 100% focused on blocking Joe Biden’s agenda

I really want to believe he doesn’t believe this.

Joe Biden’s tax plan limits 1031 exchanges, which are used primarily by owners of commercial real estate to defer capital gains tax literally forever (they keep rolling gains until they die, then get a step up on basis).

It’s indefensible on the merits. So the WSJ is trying to frame it as bad for…farmers? Just lol.

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