The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


I guess my pony is still in the starting gate at the Derby, but that picture of the Bidens and Carters has me crying in laughter.

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chair of teh Progressive Caucus likes Joe.

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Oh good.



I went ahead and clicked through and read the transcript, since Jayapal is my US Rep. She and the interviewer thoughtfully touched on many of the things that have been battled over in this thread. I’d encourage folks to read it if you’re interested in some approaches to the “progressive” vs. “centrist” divide, or the Democrat vs. Republican divide.

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Lol Cinema, lol Dems, they’re literally giving away the country


Cinema is definitely promised an incredible lobbying gig after she loses

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The thing is in a version of the US where democracy was reasonably secure, everyone had access to health care and the rich weren’t robbing the country blind a President like Biden would be just fine. In some ways it’s hard not to like the guy. If we were actually on the train tracks rather than derailing into a flaming pile of rubble speeches about bipartisanship and unity would be fine.

This is not that time and while maybe Biden can’t convince Sinema and Manchin (and Feinstein and whoever else) to do the right thing he damn well should be trying. Maybe he is and we just don’t see it.

ETA-meant to respond to the progressive caucus article.

If there’s a path to convincing people like Manchin and Sinema, it probably involves letting things get worse over time.

The problem is there is no time.

Which means you need a Plan B that doesn’t involve wasting resources and time on trying to change their minds.

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I don’t think so, Biden is a racist who supported an awful crime bill and spoke about not wanting his children to grow up in “jungles”. He is a war criminal who helped lead us into Iraq. He’s a monster that belongs in Hell or the equivalent.

Don’t worry for a second about these lap of luxury pieces of garbage

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i appreciate the urgency, but the sky is always falling, and fascism is always only the next election away.

somewhat unrelated i stumbled onto this prescient bit.


laughs in Lebanese, Turkish, Greek, Swedish, German, French, Italian, …

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But the US is The Greatest Country In The World. It is known.

“Right amount of democracy” is awfully subjective.

Political opinion polls in a country that’s only known various forms of tyranny are going to yield unreliable results for obvious reasons.

For some reason, this clip has me chuckling.

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