The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

There is mountains of evidence proving him wrong and mountains of evidence proving you wrong.

It’s not really debatable positions. The gop has shown who they are repeatedly, so his position is pure delusional

Manchin doesn’t even know how the filibuster came into existence.

How many senators can claim that? (-257 VORP)

I’ve thought about violence to advance position because it would easily be worth it, but it’s super obvious that it doesn’t work. Even like a massive coordinated terror campaign would just hurt the cause further

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I’m not even really pro doing violence. I’m pro considering violence to be a rational option that shouldn’t be taken off the table.

How many people know how the first cloture rule came into existence?

It isn’t rational because it doesn’t work. Never has. You would just lose all the independent and centrists and they would dance with joy at the excuse to go full authoritarian

So what’s the next plan of action for the Dems? The next reconciliation bill isn’t for months. I assume they will try to pass infrastructure through that but in the meantime what else is in the pipeline?

There certainly is no good way to really push a predefined outcome. So much that happens would be pure in the moment reactions that it is always going to be a huge gamble.

I can think of a certain Supreme Court justice who was born in the 1930s that could use a retirement.


Should be to pass voting results rights stuff ldo. Probably drawing dead to do it period but let’s at least show people there is zero chance republicans will cooperate

For the record, I shipped @microbet the $150 on our bet that Biden would propose a lower defence budget than Trump.

Lol me!

Also really cost me $198 due to our fucking Monopoly money. :grin:


Everyday Breyer sits is an affront to democracy.

I’ll feel better about the violence is unsuccessful takes when the GOP faces consequences for the Capitol riots besides “made Joe Manchin more reluctant to vote for HR-1 or overturn the filibuster”.


I mean manchin wasn’t doing it regardless and it didn’t do anything but drop gop approval. No consequences sure but definitely lost them some independent and even some right leaning centrists.

It certainly didn’t help them.

Plus things don’t work both ways evenly. Shit republicans get away with would sink democrats. Imagine joe pulling half the shit trump did lol. Instantly impeached

Well I’ll certainly feel better when that shows up in 2022 midterms.

Factoring in voter suppression and redistricting it won’t make much of a dent, so WAAF anyways

Old people really do shrink.

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Wtf they look like creepy dolls or something. That’s weird af


Weirdest key party ever. (No shaming Clovis)