The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

This is an odd statement from Captain Incrementalism. Canadian national UHC started with just hospital access, just in one province. This is a textbook example of why incremental change is good!


A basic look at your own country demonstrates that this is incorrect.

I mean even Bernies plan was slow. Lowering age of medicare to 55, then 45, then 35, 25, then everyone. It was over a pretty long period of time.

Not sure who is proposing changing the whole thing overnight.

Considering our doctors do have shit like medical school Iā€™m fine with allocating them more money than average. But comparing them with Euro or Canadian isnā€™t really a fair comparison. Every job in US makes more than their counterparts,

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In actual practice Incrementalism is not rolling out big change continuously a little at a time. In actual practice what it has been is to do the bare minimum to address an issue to avoid having to ever make the big change.

Like if what Incrementalism is was slowly lowering the age of Medicare until we essentially cover everyone in a single payer system that sounds pretty great actually. Iā€™m all for that. What is really has been is nothing like that and the people advocating for using ACA to somehow get us there on UHC I think know that.


@CaffeineNeeded Definitely interested in having a real conversation about physician pay and UHC. I have a lot of questions and a few ideas I want to run by you.

This thing feels like it needs a new thread though.

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The West Virginia lawmaker, a staunch centrist in the upper chamber divided 50-50 among Democrats and Republicans, said the Capitol riots also motivated him from a policy perspective.

He told USA Today that the insurrection ā€œgave me more determinationā€ to fight for the legislative filibuster.

ā€œIf you want to lose it completely and you want to be a government that was not how we were formed to try to form a more perfect union ā€” not perfect, but more perfect ā€” this is not the way to do it,ā€ Manchin told the outlet.


He also plans on 125,000 next fiscal year, but thinks it is unlikely either cap will be hit.


I think he is open to changing his mind on some issues, but heā€™s also going to take his time and think things through, so weā€™ll probably never see him make a snap reversal on anything.

If thatā€™s the case, he should be criticized a lot, right?


He might be responsive to criticism in a form he finds in line with his idea of how politics should operate but not responsive to criticism that comes across as whinging.

Lol yeah instead heā€™s just going to give the country over to the fascists.

Also lol at people who were saying this dude was going to totally change his mind on this. He totally cemented his position

Well letā€™s criticize him on everything just in case


Manchin has a line he isnā€™t willing to cross that we are.

Other people have lines they arenā€™t willing to cross, but I am. Should I view those people the same way that you view Manchin if I think they are increasing the risk of a more fascist America?

But itā€™s important to try to understand his internal logic and figure out what the best lines to take are when criticizing him.

Thereā€™s something weird, but I canā€™t quite put my finger on itā€¦

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Your violent ideas donā€™t really help though. Check every other attempt at small level violence at advancing political goals. It just helps the other side and creates sympathy for them.

What might work is country wide work strikes or full revolt. Even that would probably be squashed by the military if a republican was in office. They would love the military mowing us down.

His real approval is probably like 55%. Which is barely enough to win an election with the way things are.

Only thing that matters is doing enough good shit that we turn out new voters. The other side is lost forever. He could do shit that betters their life dramatically while republicans put them in horrible poverty, they arenā€™t changing how they vote.

Now, imagine that Manchin sees people who want to go farther than him the same way you view me.

You can have empathy for his position while believing he is wrong.

F U DUDE. Also F coal.