The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Chuck Schumer is an old man who really needs to give up on the comedic trolling Twitter game, or hire someone else to do it for him. Literally Don jr is better at it than he is. Ben Shapiro, it’s close.


So he’s not banning beef?




best president ever! #BBB


lmao their photo is joe biden with no hamburger in front of him pointing to a hamburger and scowling

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I honestly can’t tell if they’re somehow getting good at this or they’re so bad at it that it appears good


Part of what makes post-policy politics so bizarre is that the Republicans are totally ignoring Biden beefing up tax enforcement and trying to raise capital gains taxes because they’re so focused on completely made-up Kulturkampf stuff like a red meat ban. In the 90’s, they’d be bombarding the media with Republican derp about how capital gains taxes hurt America, but now it’s like they don’t even care.

He will fall in line, he always does. He’s our Susan Collins. Worry about this one instead:


He does not always fall in line. He has the most conservative voting record among senate Dems. I have no idea where this talking point came from, but he is at least as bad and probably worse than Sinema. As much as I hate her, a lot of the criticisms of her come across as just naked sexism to me. Like yeah she’s awful so it’s safe to mock her, but the things everyone chooses are how she dresses and how she’s just like all these other quirky annoying women we hate amirite.

Like, having key votes to save the ACA and the stimulus bill doesn’t erase his entire career. Manchin is easily the worst Dem senator and has been for his entire tenure.


Between Biden and Manchin how many times are we going to have conversations where we insist that the old white guys are lying when they say they intend to block progress, because of course they’ll come through in the end.

We can go back and forth for days on this but we just fundamentally disagree due to VORP.


In the 90s alot of their power base was the country club types that cared about capital gains taxes. Their current base doesn’t know what that is. But they damn sure know what a Whopper is.

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It hasn’t gotten really any coverage because lol media, but the cap gains tax hike only applies to people with over a million dollars a year in taxable income, or .3% of filers.

They can whine about incentives or whatever, and they may even have some good points (who the hell is going to realize gains and pay >50% in taxes in NY/CA), but as a percentage of voters the number of people who GAF (or more importantly will experience anything negative from this) is close to zero.

The consensus is that Manchin will support an increase of rates to 28-30% for this cohort of investors.

But this has always been true of Republican tax policy. There’s an entire school of Republican apologetics dedicated to telling idiots that the money will trickle down to them. The difference is that now they can just make up shit out of whole cloth about Biden wanting to ban hamburgers and send it to Facebook to get amplified. The fabricated culture war grievances have completely displaced the tax policy stuff that used to be the hallmark of Republican politics.

Without HR1 2022 and especially 2024 will be a colossal disaster.

One party IS restricting voting rights. Unilaterally. Wake the fuck up, Joe.


Republicans are telling us what they’re going to do. The states with GOP state legislatures are not going to certify a Democratic winner in a presidential election.