The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It’s not that they think the savings will trickle down to them. It’s that they all think they will be rich one day because they have been poisoned by the cancerous idea of the American Dream!

so much this, people who don’t grasp this concept are setting us back decades

The AD was less cancerous when it meant everyone hot a fair shot at the middle class.

These people absolutely believe that taxes on wealthy people will translate into them losing their jobs, that’s why there’s been such a small focus on “job creators” and small business owners and whatnot.

Manchin is a bigger improvement on your median WV senator than Sinema is on your median AZ senator, but Manchin is also worse than Sinema. This started because of another instance where Manchin is committing to doing terrible shit, and the response was “nah he’ll do the right thing in the end, worry about Sinema”. VORP has nothing to do with that.


Maybe this is all theater, but seems like at least Manchin is going to slow this down to allow for extended bipartisan talks. Also seems to want to do something more akin to what the GOP is defining as infrastructure

I do think infrastructure gets done via reconciliation, but expect it to be scaled down with fewer tax hikes.

Manchin is ramping up discussions with Republicans about what a scaled-down infrastructure package should look like, and some GOP senators are even optimistic that the moderate Democrat can be persuaded to block efforts to raise the corporate tax rate.

Manchin wants time for the talks to build momentum.

“For the sake of our country, we have to show we can work in a bipartisan way,” he said Monday evening. “I don’t know what the rush is.”

Manchin said over the weekend that he wants to focus on “conventional infrastructure” such as roads, bridges, water projects and expanded broadband internet, and he proposed splitting off about $400 billion in funding for home- and community-based caregivers for the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as billions of dollars for child care.

Sanders balked at Manchin’s suggestion of segmenting out the home- and community-based care portions of the package.

Manchin, however, is praising the $568 billion framework put together by fellow West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R) as “a good start.” The blueprint is focused on roads, bridges, transit systems, rail, water infrastructure and airports.

To be fair nobody has told them to care. It is likely still to come and then, per usual, takes 3-4 days to filter down to all the channels so they can all share their unique cookie cutter views on the topic.

BUT this beef story is red meat to the Republican base.

lol. We are so lucky we have Manchin on that wall.

Glory praise him.

For those who continue to be worse, you are not properly valuing the damage someone listed as a democrat causes with these sorts of statements / positions.

But they are still easily riled up to protect billionaires. They all have dreams.

You guys fail to adequately account for the damage he is doing because he is a democrat when he comes out anc says shit like voting rights will lead to an insurrection.

Your VORP formula is absolutely broken.

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WVU +40 Trump

Manchin votes better than Murkowski. He is the best Senator.

  • Pending results of the super fair ninja audit.

Edit uh oh, some excellent posters may disagree.

Salient villains will always take more heat, but guys, the Democrat from West Virginia is not the problem.

They’re not in the news anymore, but the people to direct your hate towards are the North Carolina fuckwit who got caught having the lamest affair ever, Sara Gideon who somehow didn’t even come close to beating our favorite concern troll, and Diane Feinstein’s corpse.

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He can both be a plus (way better than any WV replacement) and a minus (blocking vital legislation). We just have to hope he knows what he is doing and eventually acquiesces along the lines that he can tell voters he tried to work in a bipartisan manner and got some lefty stuff moderated.

So he can still suck but we way better than having leader Mitch. The problem is the HR-1 is vital.

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Add Claire McCaskill and Joe Donnelly to this list. They both sucked, but unlike Joe Manchin, didn’t even get re-elected in 2018.

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There’s no damage being done. He’s a Democratic senator from WV and absolutely nothing tangible would be getting done if he didn’t somehow manage to get himself reelected in a Trump +40 state. Your VORP model is hot garbage that weighs intangibles like messaging absolutely nobody cares about or believes way harder than tangible good things in real people’s lives.

I’m tired of having this argument. Manchin might be the best Senator in VORP to ever serve in the Senate and we still have people making arguments on the same qualitative level as ‘Larry Byrd was the real GOAT and MJ was actually trash’. No he wasn’t, no he wasn’t, and your entire point is trash.

Manchin is already on the record on every single side of every single issue currently in play. He’s said things for and against everything. If he feels the need to obfuscate to keep getting reelected in WV I’m not going to begrudge him that because I’m not going to tell Joe Manchin how to do politics.

I am also tired of this argument. It seems to pop up every few weeks.

I am, because this

is fucking bullshit. Fuck Joe’s reelection chances. The Democrats won’t hold the senate in 2023 anyways.

Look, maybe I could get behind soft-peddling my dislike for Joe Manchin if we were actually approaching an election in a few months. Sure, play the “I am very concerned” game, whatever. The problem is we’re not–the election is over, and he isn’t up for reelection for another three fucking years!

I’m particularly confused by Riverman’s line here–he’s normally the one screaming about Democrats being cowards and not wielding power when they’ve got it, something we all recognize Republicans do very well. Here is Joe doing that thing we hate, but it’s OK because he’s halfway through his term and we suddenly care about his reelection chances? What the fuck?

Joe could be leveraging his moderate image to put out statements like “yes, I am concerned about this legislation, but I see far too many instances of voter suppression and cannot continue to support disenfranchisement of the citizens of Washington DC.” That’s a moderate thing to say! But instead he’s going balls to the wall with absolutist statements and hampering the efforts for meaningful change. Fuck Joe Manchin.


no, he’s going after the bacon

Lots of new posts in the Biden thread, wonder what could be happening…oh just a re-re-re-re-re-litigation of Manchin VORP value. Awesome.


It’s this. The only chance this has of happening is Manchin putting all the pressure of Cinema. By staking his position the way he is, he is giving Cinema cover. It’s a lot easier to stick to your guns when you have a coalition.

Who deserves how much blame doesn’t matter, anyone who isn’t doing everything they can to make HR1 pass will deserve blame when dems are locked out of power and these insane voter suppression laws cemented for decades.

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Look man, I get that this is your shtick but it seems like you’re going way overboard with it lately. I’d appreciate it if you toned down the edgelording a bit.