The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Is there some legit concern that giving up MRNA could lead to a bio-weapon? That’s the only thing I could think of for a reason not to give mrna to countries like maybe north korea or iran. But that’s about it.

I don’t think that is really the concern. They can just get some vaccine and reverse engineer it if they wanted to try to make bioweapons out of it. And a lot of the research on this is published anyway. So the mRNA sequence used and the lipid delivery system aren’t exactly secrets.

But there is no money in trying to re-invent the wheel (or, I guess, copy it) if the WTO is going to come down on you for violations of IP law.

Bernie would do better. Maybe only like 5% but it would be better.


This is the obvious answer and should end this debate hopefully.


But Trump would be the same. Totes.

Something very concerning about Schumer’s tv watching set up.

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He’s watching at that same weird angle that WWE wrestlers use when they are shown watching a match on a monitor backstage.

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NY lost a (GOP) House seat by 89 people.

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Fake news!


Looks at that swag bag! Humane immigration policy!


“The referenced book was one of an assortment of hundreds of titles donated to the Long Beach Emergency Intake Site as part of a City of Long Beach new books and toys drive. No taxpayer dollars were used to purchase Vice President Harris’ book,” the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement to Newsweek

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There wouldn’t be so much disingenuous both-sidesing rhetoric if the Dems didn’t give so much genuine both-sidesing for opponents to use.


I think kids would love Melania’s book “How to get to America on your Back”


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49% will still vote gop in 2024 lol.

That’s good though. Last poll only had Biden infrastructure plan and like 45%. Wonder what happened or different polls with different questions

If I was asked I would say no I don’t support bidens plan because it’s way too small.

Biden’s agenda marches on:

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And yet we know that home cooks want to do better. We know because we actually pulled the plug on beef well over a year ago, and our readers have rallied around the recipes we published in beef’s place. For every burger recipe we didn’t publish, we put a vegetarian recipe into the world instead; rather than articles about ground beef, we talked about alt-meats from brands like Lightlife, a sponsor of this collection of recipes. And last summer, when America’s annual grilling holiday rolled around, we set our fires on cauliflower and mushrooms, not steaks and hot dogs.

Sneaky bastards.

I’m enjoying hearing the MAGA chuds on Twitter pretending they have Epicurious subscriptions.