The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It was used ironically. I agree it is just as dumb a term as shitlib.

Every single vote can be the 50th vote. The most liberal member of the caucus can absolutely withhold his/her vote if the bill is too far to the right. That’s why legislating right now is so impossible and it’s a miracle we got the stimulus bill.

That’s the meme guy

Same shit applies. Biden would tell him to eat shit because Bernie would never withhold his vote for these bills because he isn’t going to doom millions of Americans to not getting help.

Bernie has zero leverage. All that would happen is the bills would be delayed, millions of people would suffer for longer, and it would be entirely Bernies fault

Also as far as I know, no senator has ever tried to dictate executive policy to the president. I’m sure he has asked for and gotten small things but if you think he could just refuse to vote on legislation until Biden ran the executive the way Bernie wants you’re not thinking clearly.

Nobody cares what you want, the truth is Bernie would be vastly more bold and your sad attempts at fantasy scenarios don’t matter.

lol Bernie would of course be more bold because bernies vision was more bold than Biden’s, that alone makes me believe his approach would be different than Biden’s. I don’t even know what you’re trying to argue, is it that Biden and Bernie would be the same? The same guy who said “nothing would fundamentally change” would be just like Bernie? lol ok buddy


Bernie threatening to withhold support for stimulus is an obvious bluff. Threatening to withhold support for nominations is not.


Yeah this is gaslighting


Complaining that…Bernie Sanders…isn’t doing enough for liberalism is quite a take.

Losing sucks. I get it. You’re mad. Complaining aimlessly doesn’t help.

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I mean sure but you think Biden is going to let Bernie dictate his executive over nominations? lol. He might get some small concessions if he plans to gum up all nominations. Which maybe he should do.

But you simply aren’t going to have a senator dictate executive policy to the president, especially with a hand as weak as Bernies.

Yeah this feels like shitlib gaslighting.

This is so fucking bad, though. Absolutely indefensible. Lol Dems. WH can “push” whatever it wants, last time I checked Congress writes the bills.

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The point is pretty clear, Bernie has a ton of power that he could be using RIGHT NOW, to get changes in immigration policy, but he’s not using it, is he? So either Bernie doesn’t care that much about immigration, in which case lol at the idea that he would be doing more than Biden if only Bernie was President, or Bernie sees what Biden is doing and thinks that’s sufficient, so again the idea that Bernie would somehow be markedly different than Biden is questionable at best.

No he doesn’t. Biden isn’t going to cave to Bernie over fucking nominations. I mean most of his cabinet is already approved. Biden is going to change his entire executive direction on immigration for like some federal district judge or some shit? get real lol.

I too agree with the limits of socdem politics in a capitalist system, welcome to the good side comrade

Most of the time it seems like the argument is just used as a way to try and make Biden more acceptable for lefties. Like hey these two guys are pretty similar and you like this guy so it’s mean you’re critical about the other guy

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After learning and talking with her more about it things became a little more clear. Was surprised to learn the extent the Turkish government goes to in spreading anti-genocide propaganda, so I certainly don’t blame the people. She doesn’t deny it happened and seems like it’s just kind of a taboo subject among her family. They’re rightfully worried of a US intervention into Turkey but I pointed out how it’s problematic to be worried about how this will affect Turkey politically on a day meant to remember the Armenians. They all feel very hopeless under Erdogan and it’s a really tough situation there now economically and having trouble getting the covid vaccines they need. Truly hope there is path to removing Erdogan from power peacefully.

There’s a reason Erdogan was in the top 10 of my Living Asshole draft big board


The horror.


I think you make a decent point. Some people think Bernie would be using some extreme out of the box maneuvers yo be getting all kinds of things done as president. He would not. He would be following the standards and procedures, proceed with due diligence etc etc.

Trump literally was that extreme out of the box actor and if only got him so far.

Half the government is made up of a party whose primary goal is to obstruct and slow any actions at all. Yeah

Bernie has over 30 years in the house and senate. He would definitely be a dot every z and cross every p guy. Yet some think he would be turning over tables and lighting the Oval Office drapes on fire.

None of this is a defense for anything Biden has it has not done. Just an acknowledgement that some people are choosing to wield this as some sort of cudgel over Biden, acting like Bernie would have landed so much differently. It takes away from the discussion.

I think Biden should be trying to do more with immigration but it’s not always as simple as waving a wand.

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Who’s complaining that Bernie Sanders isn’t doing enough for liberalism?