The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Stephen Miller talking about he is suing the Biden administration for flooding the state with Covid laden illegal immigrants.

Shit’s complicated but even after some reading the reason your girlfriend provided is batshit crazy. There has to be more to it because I haven’t read that anywhere as of now.

A good lot of it seems to come from nationalism but also pointing out technicalities in the definition of genocide and not wanting to be associated with the Nazis as they are often the first group thought of when mentioning genocide perpetrators. After all, the Armenian genocide was committed by The Ottoman Empire but Turkey is the only country that has to deal with the consequences despite it not even existing at the time of the genocide.

Honestly, a bunch of the Armenian genocide denial seem similar in rhetoric to people in America pushing the Lost Cause. Nationalists not wanting to acknowledge that their ancestors did things that were terrible. So they try to form arguments that can absolve them of their guilt using technicalities and a view of history that comforts them. Unlike the Lost Cause, Armenian genocide denial is way less of a fringe issue.

I think your approach should be the same approach I take with Czech history: listen and ask questions. The less you know, the more you should listen.


Just lol.

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Jamie Dimon must be so pissed that Chipotle Guy beat him.

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What the hell is paycom.


Zero women.

Payroll and HR solutions!

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Maybe they should focus more on their careers and stop having babies all the time, IMO.


Ah yes, for anyone else that has been in the workplace for 20 years this company provides the services that your now non existent HR department used to provide.

Chad Richison, come on now that’s not his name



Shitprog is just as dumb a term as shitlib. Just stop with this nonsense.


Doesn’t Bernie have basically as much power as Joe Manchin right now? He could withhold his vote to get concessions from Biden on immigration if he really thought the Biden administration wasn’t living up to its campaign promises.

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So we don’t have to play these hypothetical guessing games as to what Bernie would do as President, we can just look at how he’s using his power now to get some idea. So to the extent that Bernie isn’t doing anything, that basically means he thinks things are bad, but he’s not going to do anything about it, or he thinks Biden is doing alright on immigration.


Manchin doesn’t really care that much about any of these bills failing. Tanking these bills actually helps his image of being " not another leftist crazy " and helps him in a state Trump +40 state. Plus its obvious Manchin doesn’t really give a shit about helping people that much. Which is why its credible that he could withhold his vote and have a ton of leverage.

Bernie is the complete opposite. He isn’t credible at ALL at withholding his vote because there is zero chance he would ever tank a covid bill, or infrastructure/jobs bill. He deeply cares about helping people and would never risk one of these bills failing.

It’s the same shit with AOC/Squad in the house. The majority there is small enough the progressives could band together and prevent passing shit but they would never actually tank these bills.


What? Isn’t the reason Manchins vote has power because it might be the 50th vote. Which scenario do you see the other 49 dems in agreement vs 50 republicans where Bernie can leverage his vote?

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Bernie can withhold his vote whenever he wants.

Umm ok cool

It’s not a question of whether Bernie wants these other bills to pass or not, it’s how much he cares about what’s going on with immigrants. Like, him withholding his vote on this issue wouldn’t even require a change in any bill, it would just require Biden to take executive action, so it’s a hell of a lot safer and less damaging to whatever bill is in question. If Bernie isn’t evee we n willing to try to do something as simple as this as a sitting Senator in a safe seat, I don’t want to hear one god same word about how he’d be so much more bold in Biden’s shoes.