The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Mondaire Jones is a credit to his race, I tell ya.


The man has been in the stodgy Senate, abiding by its rules for decades, but is suddenly going to become a megalomaniac for good when elected President? Itā€™s a hell of a laugh.


Centrist shitlibs itt just blatantly lying to themselves about how Bernie would use his power so they can feel better about a racist war criminal in office

Guess what , it matters a lot to the imprisoned children which of the two people would be in office. If you donā€™t think President bernie would be better on United States human rights abuses you are simply too stupid to opine


Preach, brother!

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Comā€™on Joe just say ā€œGlesgaā€ & well all respect ya up here, none a this ā€œGlass cowā€ shite.

And its Glassā€™Go btw.


idk if thereā€™s any broader significance to this.

Tells me that one of two things happened

  1. He sees Turkey as less important of a defense partner than previous presidents and was willing to sacrifice that connection unilaterally

  2. He got permission from Turkey to do this as a part of some kind of backroom deal weā€™re unaware of

Either way, itā€™s a good look.

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Iā€™m happy that the Armenian genocide is being acknowledged in this way. This could be a shot at Turkey because it is arguable that the Russia/Turkey geopolitical relations are the warmest theyā€™ve been in centuries. Historically, thereā€™s been antagonism between the two of them at least partly because Turkeyā€™s control of the Dardanelles impacts Russiaā€™s Black Sea fleet and projection of naval power.

lol Pelosi nuked any medicare expansion and put in $200 billion more for health insurance companies in the next megabill

I assume her asset manager coincidentally bought mega $$$ in health care stocks right before this?

So Iā€™ve been dating a girl from Istanbul for over a year now. Sheā€™s currently completing her PhD here in the US and TIL sheā€™s an Armenian genocide denier. Her and her family and Turkish friends are like super super upset at Biden over this.

Weā€™ve only talked briefly over the phone about it so far but she seemed to believe there is some kind of US/Armenian conspiracy to take Turkish land and life is about to get even worse for the Turkish people because of this.

She hates Erdogan and is pretty progressive about most things and this reaction has definitely caught me off guard. Seems like itā€™s 100% some nationalistic brainwashing, ya?

Told her Iā€™d do some more research before offering an opinion on the subject as Iā€™m definitely no expert on this historyā€¦ but I definitely thought the academic consensus was that it was an obvious genocide. Hopefully this wonā€™t prove to be a fracture in our relationship.


Shift to the left!

You are simply massively naive who doesnā€™t understand his the world works.

I am a Bernie supporter but I am in reality not the absolute fantasy land some of you live in where all the other forces in the world magically evaporate if Bernie is president.

Itā€™s pretty delusional, to be honest.

Thinking Bernie would just be a progressive Trump is to not have been paying attention at all.

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Did you memory hole the Medicaid expansion?


Bidenā€™s tax plan isā€¦pretty good? If they follow through on ending basis step up, increasing cap gains on rich people, reforming estate tax and a minimum corporate tax, thatā€™s a huge win.


Tend to agree. One thing I know Clovis and I agree on wrt to Biden is that we need to celebrate the wins (Stimulus yay! Maybe this!).

Iā€™m really risking my WAAF street cred here but fixing taxes would go a long way to shutting up the dumbass ā€œbut how are we going to pay for itā€ nonsense. In an ideal world it would be a literal first step to take to implement the progressive policies I think we all want. I donā€™t really see the next steps being taken but itā€™s a step.


Enforcement Enforcement Enforcement

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The problem is heā€™s making the mistake of responding to the king straw manner of all, an actual mascot whose job is to provoke outrage, etc, which is why you end up noticing the outrageous.

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