The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Obv all this is easy to mspaint/photoshop:

But also stuff like people referencing the books with the incorrect spelling in print:


lol sorry for derailing the Bidan thread


if he called him a ‘shitlib ass centrist ass conservative’ that would rule


Read my other posts.

Also this is gibberish? When bernie is in what office? The mythical world where he is president? The world we live in?

-ETA-Oh haha. You mean what is Bernie doing to make the actual guy who has power do what he has publicly stated he won’t do?

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I literally can’t tell if this is performance art from some of you or CNN brain worms took hold or what. Like literally nothing Bernie Sanders could do would convince Biden to do the right thing. Do you think think they could just have an earnest summit over some Delaware microbrews and Bernie would finally convince him that people in this country deserve health care, education, etc? That isn’t happening.


There is something to this but the idea that if we just really earnestly tell Biden that people need living wages, health care and education and this will be the time he gets it isn’t believable.

It doesn’t mean we should stop trying but the people here laying blame at Bernie fucking Sanders feet for why we don’t have nice things are being completely ridiculous.

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If Bernie were president he would force the drug companies to give up their patent for covid vaccines and would save millions of lives.

So there is that

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My son spilled paint in the garage and I burnt his arm with a lit cigar so many times that, wouldn’t ya know, he now agrees with me that I was right all along and thinks spilling paint in the garage is the worst thing in the universe.

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No. There is a weird sentiment by some that if Bernie had become president he would be doing all sorts of magic happen.

I suspect the first 100 days of Bernie would look very familiar.


Oh better not pack the court if the Texas AG is mad.


The insurrectionists would have tried harder.

It would have been wild to see what would have happened.

It’s possible Bernie does a way better job of going big and manchin chopping a ton of shit but still the bill is way bigger. Or it’s possible manchin goes full asshole and refuses any covid relief checks or way smaller. To prove he isn’t a socialist

Everything that doesn’t involve Congress would be 10x better obv

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Bernie would have canceled student loans by now

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Bernie might be dead by now.

Manchin probably would have decreased the size of the stimulus bill he would support by the amount of loans that were forgiven.

I don’t think there is any political science or history to support this claim. Every political change has opposition. This is especially true of the big changes but they still happen.

Yeah he would probably die from doing so much.

From hoping & skipping up those AF1 stairs :blush:

Considering that frothing deplorable chuds literally stormed the Capitol to try to block the Presidency of noted Commie Joe Biden, I don’t think Fox (let alone Facebook) would have much trouble instigating numerous assassination attempts on an actual progressive.

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Evangelicals would be in daily prayer against the “Devil”