The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Yeah, I guess I was ignoring that part of the silly scenario. I was mostly thinking about the current composition of Congress.

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Totally agree with the rest of your post. Bernie would move the overton window MASSIVELY, way more than he already has.


This woman ran for DA and lost to a guy under federal indictment for tax fraud. Sheā€™s hardly loved down here.

Good, itā€™s about damned time democrats fight fire with fire.

Lol, rich people be like: Yeah, yeah, we want lower tax rates, but maybe a little less qanon.

This whole time I thought his name was BLIzerian not BILzerian. Wtf kind of name is Bilzerian?

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Well I gathered that much, but Blizerian is so much better.

That aside, if anybody opened the Biden thread to hear about the Mandela effect, youā€™re in luck. The reason for Berenstein/Berenstain is because both were in print.

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If you watched the video you would have all these answers. :sunglasses::rofl:

The anglicized version is Bilferian.


Mrs Berenstain is from here. Class of ā€˜42 I think. (My wife runs the local historical society). She drew awesome illustrations all throughout her yearbook that we just recently catalogued.


Isnā€™t it for community college?

I donā€™t believe this.

Itā€™s always been Berenstain. People just retconned it in their minds into Berenstein because -stein is a common surname suffix.

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People who think that Bernie would have these issues solved and delivered, if he were president, are living in an absolute fantasy land.

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Publishers were doing that in real time. ā€œBerenstAin? That must be a typo.ā€ The Berenstaein Bears were so popular that they were getting bootlegged and knocked off and back then it was harder to enforce copyright law, so kids legit had BerenstEin Bears all over their bookshelves.

This is a pretty convenient excuse.

Letā€™s flip it around, what is Bernie doing, precisely, to make these both a reality he can sign while in office?

I donā€™t think anyone is arguing that.

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Are you all talking about Barnie Senders?


People changing avatars all over the place. Iā€™m really worried the fox is going to eat the hamster.


Nope. Show me one hard copy Berenstein Bears book and I might believe you.