The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It’s obviously not clear, but “time in HHS custody” shouldn’t just refer to the border stations, it should refer to the ‘nicer’ facilities as well. They are still run by HHS.

So if that stat is real some children are being released properly, presumably to families.

Here’s some data, but it only captures like a month of Biden. Worth bookmarking to keep an eye on it as they update. There’s county level data too, but it only reports counties with more than 50 releases so state level is probably more complete.

Worth noting that the 5 months from Oct 2020-Feb 2021 is ~about on pace with the previous year, and way way behind the pace of releases in 2018 and prior.


Of course. As I have said many many times Biden’s position on immigration is terrible and immoral. That doesn’t mean things are not getting better.

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Damn. It’s like I wandered into the Covid thread.


Instead of release, relocate makes more sense in your sentence lol


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That would be a super gotcha if there wasn’t, you know, the next sentence in the post.

lol what? Your next sentence doesn’t change the fact that going from one holding facility to another, even if it’s nicer, isn’t releasing someone

I mean if you want to say they are relocating people and some people are being released based on the time then sure ok I guess. But just so we are clear the people being moved from one facility to another don’t get counted as “released” by anyone



My argument against blaming Biden for anything in the first ~year after taking office is that the job at hand is impossibly large and the tools he’s supposed to do that job with are incredibly flawed.

Obviously our entire border system is a dystopian nightmare factory that is a close cousin to the even larger criminal justice system dystopian nightmare factory.

I just hope the country gets its shit together ASAP because we are running out of time on several fronts. Everything is still doable but only if we (as a nation) start now and act like serious mission driven people for once.

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He’s in the middle of turning a fucking tanker

It’s not a bad argument but imagine inheriting a dystopian nightmare at the border and not doing everything you could to end it once you had the power to. Like I can vent at Clovis but I know he would as would you.

We will still have kids locked up at the end of Biden’s term(not the same ones as now) because he has no intention to really stop doing it. Maybe he gets the turnaround time down to days rather than months but it’s still not what he should be doing. That’s my problem with it.

Half-measures suck.

In semi-related news:

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You don’t know that he isn’t using every measure available to him other than the Trumpian ones. One of the sad things about the end of the Trump years is that gravity had to be restored, but Trump got to operate without it for four years and it feels like we’re being cheated not getting to use it to unwind all the awful shit going on.

I’m actually very much on team ‘fuck the norms now’ as I’m sure you’re aware. I just know Biden isn’t, and I value that return to normal gravity a lot more after 1/6, so I tell myself this is something reasonable people could disagree about and hope for the best.

I’m also keenly aware of how much damage you can do to yourself when you’re working on a problem and you try to go fast. Rushing almost always has a worse end result unless not making it there on time would be game over.

Again I don’t disagree with the general sentiment of this but we are talking about potentially life altering trauma for 10s of thousands of kids. It’s like the Covid vaccine. It doesn’t need to be perfect just better than the alternative. There are alternatives that are better when there are multiple news stories of parents trying for weeks or longer to get their kids and it isn’t possible.

Fuck off, Joe.


Lyin’ Biden


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cool so still historically low but just faster? lol


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