The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

We really should just give these people entire states. Like they can stay whereever they want of course, but we could also just give them like 7 states. Montana, North Dakota/South Dakota etc. Well they can share that with the indigenous people who still live there.

But yeah we have SO MUCH fucking land that is doing nothing but giving Republicans electoral votes and senators. We should be giving it to hard work great people who will actually put it to good use.


Yeah maybe we just need like a dictator of the proletariat, Caesar type, to just take over completely and make this country into something that isn’t a shithole and then reform it before he gets stabbed to death in a more representative democracy.

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But Republicans use that land for performative trophy hunting to prove how manly they are.


Hope and change, brother.

Say what you will about the man, he is pliable.

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For the record, this is the only morally justifiable position on immigration.


I think this is probably true, but there may be limited value in such strident assertions. Its hard to convince people of anything when your first point of discourse is to punch them in the face with the statement YOUR POSITION IS IMMORAL!

A better line of discussion (assuming a good faith argument) would be to ask what is the proper role of borders? Once you’ve argued down that the role of borders should be purely administrative then you’re going to get much of the benefits of open borders anyway.

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I agree, if I was trying to covert people with this post. :grin:

My point is to, once again, put my actual position on the record so certain people can stop claiming I support things I obviously don’t.

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But I was told patience, not angry interneting, is how we get REAL CHANGE.


That’s exactly what a secretly enthusiastic supporter of borders would say. You can’t fool me Border Lover.


I don’t want to get into it again today but this is some weird gaslighting. Seems like most of the so called “centrists” here were saying people need to do everything possible to push Biden left including calling their representative, op-eds, grassroots organization, volunteering and (yes) posting on the internet. Many of the so called progressives were the ones telling me this is a dumb little internet board and nothing we do matters.


Overwhelming outrage is the only thing that ever makes these people actually do the right thing. I was also half joking but the general attitude of some here does seem to be that Biden just needs more time and all will be good. I didn’t mean you in this instance but this isn’t remotely gaslighting. The whole “give him a year” “it’s only been 1/2/3 months” refrain while he breaks nearly every campaign promise pretty much as soon as he had power has been posted dozens of times here.


I mean, if you’ve got a better play, go for it.

Fair enough but I don’t at all see why these two points are incompatible,

  1. Biden can’t be expected to fix things instantly, and

  2. push him left every way you can to move as fast and far as possible.

Blasting him on Twitter worked here. That’s all I’m saying. There seems to be a general desire amongst some (not here really tbh) to brush away Biden’s backsliding on every issue with the usual litany of excuses. In this case there was enough internet condemnation to make him do the right thing.


Expecting him to take steps to do what he said he was going to do (which already wasn’t enough) is not the same as expecting him to fix everything immediately. Other than that I agree with you.

I would be fine being more patient if it wasn’t for the fact his actual stated positions(and subsequent actions) have gotten worse since inauguration day in many instances.


Feels like you’re dunking on people here; it’s probably why it’s tilting Clovis.

Totally agree he has shifted right on some very important things since the campaign, immigration being the most notable. To be fair though, he has shifted left on others as evidenced by the stimulus and infrastructure bills.

The attitude I am dunking on exists here but is an extreme minority. It’s much more damaging when the Dem pundit class/media/politicians do it.

I also think there is a trickle up effect with internet outrage. People with no real power get the attention of someone who does who tweets it and next thing you know it’s everywhere. Dialogue here probably has little impact but random people posting on Twitter or whatever does imo.