The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

You understand that isn’t the same as releasing them from captivity right? The border camps numbers are being reduced because they are being moves to the newly built shelters. The article you posted even says the total number of kids in the newly built shelters is at all time highs.

Fifteen-year-old Ilene traveled alone from Honduras and crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in mid-March. Her mother, Sarahy, who lives in Dallas, wasn’t able to speak to her until Monday, after Ilene had been in government custody for more than a month. Ilene, who told her mother she was in a shelter in San Diego, said she had been sick with COVID-19 for 14 days.

Her mother said the girl, allowed just 10 minutes to talk, seemed sad and anxious and said she had been given no medicine.

“She said ‘Mami, I don’t want to be here any more. The kids just scream and cry, the big ones and the little ones, they just are crying all the time,’ she told me,” said Sarahy. She spoke on condition that she and her daughter be identified only by their first names.

Sarahy said she sent documents to someone who said they were a government caseworker and heard nothing back. Recently, another staffer told her the government hadn’t received her paperwork.

“All they tell me is, ‘You have to wait, you have to wait, you have to wait,’” Sarahy said.

Sounds bad

Eta-how do i make it quote the whole thing.

Yes but the point of the article is the administration is pushing hard and making gains. They are not sitting on their hands.

So you post a misleading blurb that makes it seem like they are releasing people when in fact they have released no one.


These kids are gonna grow up to be the next domestic terrorists and it’ll be hard to condemn them for doing it.

I agree with your assessment of the blurb and I do not want to defend people locking up children. But to maybe lighten our thoughts slightly at one point the article quotes ‘time in HHS custody’ dropping from 42 to 31 days. So if that’s a real stat then some children are being actually released.


They are releasing people from the worst conditions to better conditions. They have also reduced the time kids spend in custody by about 10 days. They are relaxing conditions for sending them to families. All of that is in the article too.

It’s not misleading. It’s context.

You just can’t read past your hate of Biden.

I asked a simple question. Have they released anyone? Your response was the blurb as if that answered the question and that they had.

Like it’s great they are in a nicer facility but why are they not releasing them to their parents? You are defending locking up kids in traumatizing circumstances rather than giving them to their parents who are desperately trying to get them. Why is that?

Also I don’t see how conditions to release to families can be easier when no one has been released. You can’t see past the propaganda you so desperately want to believe.

Ya I am defending locking kids up. Fuck you.

You are. You are here literally defending it and have been for months. The reason you want us to think kids are getting released when they aren’t is because you know the argument you have made to me for months is total nonsense.

And look I can maybe get if a kid has nowhere to go not just releasing them into the wild. But in many cases that isn’t what is happening. Families are trying to get them and the Biden admin isn’t allowing it.

Cite one fucking post of mine where I defend this! You cant because it didn’t happen. In fact, all you will find is post by me saying Biden is awful with respect to immigration.

Double fuck you.

I simply provided some context to a question you asked. I gave you facts that show it is getting a little better.

You even just posted again kids are being released when the article and two posts in the past 5 minutes have pointed out the 10 day reduction.

Seriously fuck you claiming I have or am defending kids in cages.

You could just post. “Thanks for the article. I didn’t know that there was a reduction in time kids are spending in custody. I should learn to google.” But nope it’s instantly claiming I’m supporting kinds in cages.

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Yes, it’s better than what was happening a year or two ago.

But “what the Trump administration did” should not be the bar.

The Biden administration can do A LOT better.


Totally agree which is why you will find a bunch of posts of mine saying Biden is awful with respect to immigration.

We had this same convo in February and March. Your argument then was the same as now. You also had a long back and forth with Micro. You act like I’m just supposed to forget that you told me to calm down because the cages were nicer and they were working on releasing them.

It isn’t acceptable to me that 2 months later basically nothing has changed and it shouldn’t be acceptable to you.

Am I wrong? Literally every time this gets brought up you are here to explain how what is happening is more reasonable than I think.

It isn’t reasonable.

The fact you say Biden is terrible on immigration BUT before launching into a defense doesn’t make it not a defense.

Keep saying nothing has changed. Keep saying it. It’s obviously a complete lie and you read clear evidence not 30 minutes ago it’s not true but keep on saying it. Totally good faith.

Nothing has changed from 2 months ago. Plenty has changed since Trump. Hope that helps.

Holy fuck.

Read the article. Read any number of articles. You won’t find ONE that supports your claim nothing has changed in the past two months. This isn’t a debate. You are completely and factually wrong in every way.

Hope that helps.

They were moving kids to “nicer” facilities two months ago. I guess there are more of them now? Locking up kids who have family desperately trying to get them for a month+ in traumatizing circumstances is not good and isn’t worth defending even if it is better.

And again I haven’t seen any stories of kids actually getting released. It’s possible it’s happened and not been reported on. That’s why I asked the question in the first place.

Also just to try and defuse this I will admit I am very angry about this issue. We all should be. If I misunderstood the intention of posting the blurb from the article I apologize. That paired with our previous interactions on this send me into a rage.

There is no reason kids should not be being released to family in a more timely manner. Do you agree with that?

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