The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I’m sure they’ll turn public opinion on the issue of (checks notes) the taxation of large corporations.


All about the party though. Even if this shit is popular it won’t matter when the election comes. Dumb Republican voters will go “Democrats ewwwwww” and vote GOP no matter what. Ain’t no winning those fucktards over. Most of the ones who like the idea are gonna vote Trump again because Biden bad.


I listened to this song yesterday and now it’s a sad song. Someone should mix this video up with shots of immigrant prisons. They can even update it with some shots of immigrant prison hotel rooms and it will still be sad.

even Born in the USA is kind of a sad song now. Sad!


This is great.

3600 or 3000 a month??? Fuck I need to have some kids!

Trust me, you don’t, they are sooooooo expensive


yeah never mind that’s monthly payments of 300, not 3600.

I always used to wonder how some people with seemingly average careers could eat out and travel all the time. No kids saves tens of thousands of dollars a year, thats some really nice recreation!

To be fair it was also the credit cards.

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Also, each instance of dining out and traveling costs a whole lot less.


Not complaining. Kids are much more important than money. But the biggest cost of having kids (ime anyway) is that you probably make decisions that you think are good for the kids (and for you), but not optimal for making the most money.

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I have no kids and 3 money.


because they are politically valuable

It always was…

Give the kids the money and kill the parents for having them

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Half agree.

On the dining out it has been less for me, because when we’re with the kids, we go to restaurants that are much less nice. And the mission is get in and out as quickly as possible.
Also have to go somewhere there is something that you know they will eat without complaint. Bonus points if there are crayons and something for them to scribble on. When they get older, I presume this will change, but not there yet.

Traveling on the other hand is way more due to transportation and accommodations.

Have any children actually been released yet? I know the stated plan is to release them to family or safe guardians. If that isn’t happening after nearly 3 months that is totally unacceptable.


So far, the government has been able to reduce the number of kids in border patrol stations from a high of more than 5,700 on March 28 to less than 2,900 on April 13, according to government data.