The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Wtf I thought approval for a bit infrastructure bill was super high ?

I guess fox news got to work in the sheep, but still shocked it’s below 50%. Gotta be a good chunk of people who don’t approve of Biden plan specifically because it’s too small right? Or is that a tiny niche of progressive?

Obama was sandwiched between two of the most godawful presidents in US history, he basically looks amazing despite being completely mediocre.

Trump’s May withdrawal was mashing fucking buttons? Biden’s at least in theory si going to be strategic. I mean I’m sure it’ll be a shitshow either way.

I don’t understand what is going to be accomplished from May 1 to September 11.

I assume it’s going to be a gradual withdrawal now till September. Not like a “September 10th everyone get the fuck out.” I assume Trumps’ was “May 1, everyone get the fuck out, that’s what Daddy Putin wanted.”

I like Daddy Putin’s version better.

Support for an infrastructure bill goes down when you attach a Democrat to it. It’s pure partisanship.

Poll people for widespread broadband: 90% support
Poll people for infrastructure: 55% support

Obv. I always point out no matter what it is Dems do republicans will be against it.

I’m just surprised it was under 50%. I would expect at least 60% with independents

When it comes to POTUS, he’s as good as it’s gonna get for a long time

Biden is already better because he is not scared of his own shadow.

It’s truly astounding how much more popular Dem policies are.

Don’t business schools teach people how to resolve this kind of branding problem? Isn’t this exactly the same as having a popular product to sell but a tainted brand? Just hire some fucking MBAs to market this stuff. eDems need to get over themselves and stop thinking that branding and marketing are activities beneath their ivory tower technocratic superiority. Donnie Dumb Dumb won using only branding!


What’s interesting is that the 38% of Republicans who oppose remains unchanged even if you modify the description.

I honestly expected that opposition to be higher and to stay that high. Maybe the argument that Republicans can be won over by Biden is true in areas like infrastructure.

Its not news that Republicans are not swayed by more facts and information. Its actually kind of their whole deal.


This way he can give a grand speech on 9/11.

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But I was just assured by tab “qanon” baker that Biden can’t possibly survive a speech of any kind and is sure to die soon in the middle of one.

I assumed he was joking. I don’t find Biden speeches that engaging personally and I know during the campaign we were all just holding our breath hoping he would reach the finish line without a meaningful gaffe most times.

The whole waiting for 9/11 to leave thing is dumb and I presume meant only for the symbolism and so Biden can have his very own mission accomplished speech. What he should do is have a speech about how Afghanistan was a mistake we should strive to never repeat. How the lives lost, both American and civilian, were tragedies that far outweighed the tragedy of 9/11. And how American imperialism has been a complete and utter failure post WW2. He might actually follow in Obama’s shoes and win a Nobel prize if he did that.

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It 100% wasn’t a joke.

The second paragraph of your post is spot on. Totally agree. Waiting to 9/11 is moronic.

Heard to tell with that guy, to be fair.

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