The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Define “path”

We’ve already lost them which is super bad. We aren’t going to win a lot of elections without working class support.

So he should tell the centrist dems to fuck off and not even meet with them? Sounds like a not great idea with a 50/50 senate and a 3 vote majority house.


Unless the problem solving involves nuking the filibuster, the only problem it’s solving is how to end democracy

Maybe we need to embrace more forcefully the demographic change that Tucker Carlson fears.

Something like 15 of the 19 hijackers and the mastermind of the attack were Saudi nationals, not to mention funding for the plot originated from there and we are still selling them weapons of war and nuclear technology.

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How do you know this?

a lot of them support a really long and impossible path to citizenship, with plenty of chances to deport undesirables.

A path to citizenship isn’t the same thing as an easy path.

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At a bare minimum, giving citizenship to DREAMers polls very well. I think this is yet another spot where gov’t policy lags far behind public sentiment.

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Loled at “accomplished all we can”. I mean you are sorta not wrong Barack but we accomplished less than nothing and you were as much to blame as anyone besides Bush for it.


63% under 35, 56% over 65 but only 54% overall… our generation are the baddies?

Obama supports Biden’s September withdrawal, great. Did he support Trump’s May withdrawal? If no, why not?

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If you take away Obama being mega charismatic and personally likable, his record is fucking atrocious, doubly so given his congressional majorities in 2009-2010.


Maybe worse that Bush. The first few years of Afghanistan with Bush were kind of defensible. Certainly the first year. And it didn’t start until ten months into Bush’s presidency. But there were eight years of Obama presidency and eight years of war in Afghanistan. For what? Obama didn’t even want to be there, he was just too weak to overcome the Pentagon inertia.


Actually, Switching warfighting from boots on the ground to drones represents a move to the left

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These numbers are so funny, 9% of people were like infrastructure ehh whatever and then they said tax corporations and said hell yeah let’s do it lol