The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

30% extinction of plant and animal species.


Regeneration of the planet’s species in 2051 will be done through the infrastructure program.

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Yep that’s how evolution works.

The new earth will be gerrymandered as all


Every species? Of course not, but won’t it cause a chain reaction for most species if their environment dies and the stuff they used to sustain themselves dies? So in your example of the beetle, won’t it be fucked because a lot of shit it uses to survive dying out?

I think people are getting confused on how global warming will work. Even in the worst case scenarios what happens is eco zones essentially shift north. The most impacted species will be those that require cooler temperatures or seasonality. Warm adapted species will be less effected.

Something like pine beetle is largely prevented from rapid spread by winter. Remove that constraint and it will thrive.

As you point out the interaction of species is very complex so we don’t actually know how it will all play out. Some species who are warm adapted are sure to go extinct because they rely in some way on another species that isn’t as well adapted. That is why the models have relatively large error margins.

My point in this discussion, is it is very important in the climate change debate to be as factual as we possibly can because any hyperbole is political suicide. The real case is very bad. No need to exaggerate it.


Oh yeah I agree, there was some extreme unfactual hyperbole on the 98%. I was just saying lots of the warm climate adapted ones will also die out because of complex systems.

But yeah plenty will survive, including us, but it will still be hundreds of millions dead and massive suffering on untold scales. Not just by 3rd world countries either. There will be massive financial collapse as well.

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I enjoyed this from DA, these ants do something no other ants have been seen doing before. Watch till the end.


I think I’ve read that something like 99.99% of species ever to have existed have gone extinct. GW is clearly an issue for humans and tons of other species but life (lots of it) will absolutely find a way to keep going.


This is just another myth pushed by Big Mask.


Teh warming is increasing in pace, soon it will be to fast for life to adapt, and the food chain will break down.

U will either starve 2 death or choke to death on the dust.

Or so says some expert from cali.

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I don’t like that maybe several hundred million climate refugees and tens or even more than a hundred million deaths isn’t enough for it to count as an emergency for everyone.



Journalists dunking on MAGA Haberman is always fun.

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My $382/month fed loan payment being on hold has been wonderful, but my $820/month state loan has been going strong unfortunately. Not looking forward to the fed loan being due again.

Don’t worry 2 weeks until he cancels student debt


God I hate boomers. Assholes who paid $400/semester for college lecturing millennials about bootstraps. All the guillotines.


“But you shouldn’t have taken out loans if you couldn’t afford to pay them back” (in the capital, lower case, capital, lower case font thing)

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