The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Oh, man please take out Harris. A) He’s a deplorable jerk. B) I grew up on the Eastern Shore and I NEED to see the FB commentary from folks I went to HS with when he loses to the organic farming carpetbagger who just moved from the DC suburbs…

Cool. I just won another bet. Is mentioning it gloating? I’m gonna just assume the loser won’t mind because I want to publicly thank him. I won $50 from Keeed and had forgotten about the bet and he brought my attention to it and paid. Dude has a perfect credit rating.


There is zero evidence global warming will wipe out every living thing on earth. There are lots of species that will thrive in a warmer climate.

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I dont know enough to argue this point, but its kind of hard to know. The pace of climate change resulting from man made global warming is unprecedented (as far as I know). Can species adapt quickly enough?

There’s a mythology around cockroaches surviving nuclear war, maybe there really are a few ultra resilient species its out there.

Not looking good for me for sure. We will have to wait for final budget to confirm but this is really terrible policy from Biden.

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Lots of species don’t need to adapt. They are already adapted to a warmer climate. For example, if you are a pine beetle, a couple degree warmer boreal forest is a sign of party times.

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Isn’t it the feedback loops that are the problem? Heat melts the ice which then no longer reflects sunlight also causes more water which absorbs heat better. It also melts the permafrost which releases more methane and co2 which causes more heating so more melting until we become venus. Admittedly I’m an idiot who knows nothing about the subject but I’m not sure a couple degrees and then stop is an equilibrium outcome.

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If anyone needed any evidence that Keed is ABT, here you go.


Well, there’s good news after all, I guess.

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Like Bikini Models.


This is the way it works for sure. It will be really bad for most species, us included. I’m just pushing back on the claim global warming will wipe out all living things. I mean in the extreme there are thermophilic bacteria which live up to 250 degree F in hot springs.

The climate has changed throughout the history of life on the planet (and life, especially the prevalence of free O2 has greatly modified the planet). Many many things will become extinct while others will survive and some will thrive.

People will also survive the change due to technology if nothing else. Ironic cause it’s technology that created the change. But whole habitable areas will become unlivable and presumably some harsh places will become temperate. Presumably their will be a population decline and a whole lot of suffering, not just local due to events like coastal flooding, but globally as the existing food supply chains collapse.

I remember being told as a middle schooler during the Cold War that the three species most likely to survive a nuclear conflagration were rats, cockroaches and human beings. Not mentioned was that all three are parasites.


Plenty of species will survive probably all the way till the sun boils of the oceans. For example species living near thermal vents on the bottom of the ocean that only need the interaction of those vents with water and I don’t see how we manage to empty the oceans of water. Even runaway global warming doesn’t do that. Making the planet uninhabitable for mammals is definitely within our capabilities though.

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I was being hyperbolic but humans are well on the way to wiping most life out on earth. Debating on whether that means 98% or 100% is kind of missing the point.

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The Earth was much warmer and had way more CO2 in the atmosphere 500 million years ago. We are just preparing for a new age of dinosaurs.

What if one believes in reincarnation? Are you saying I have a chance?

The worst case models predict ~30% loss. No model comes close to 98%.


30% loss of what? Many species in the ocean are already depleted well over 90% from commercial fishing.