The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

military is one giant social program.

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I guess maybe this could be like a warning shot to keep the Supreme court more in line. Obviously a pipe dream though.

After 2020 when emotions were high, if we had like 56 senators I could have seen it happen. Nobody cares anymore though. At this point they’d have to string together a couple really bad decisions to convince dems to pack the court, which I don’t think they will do while dems have that much power.

They will be meek when dems have power, and then kill us when Reps have the senate.

Step 1: increase military budget
Step 2: draft everyone into the military and put them on some reserve list
Step 3: pay everyone $1000 a month with full medical benefits for being in the military



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I don’t think that the eDems are this savvy, but I have suggested before that they should just call everything “defense spending” and dare the Republicans to come out against defense spending.

Eisenhower actually already played this card to get the interstate highway system built, he claimed it was necessary to allow troops to get around America. Contemporary Dems should do the same thing with all the major progressive policies, i.e. build 100 hospitals to dispense free health care and call them The Ronald Reagan Weapons Grade Assault Medical Units or something.


that as well, along with everything else

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i can see the fox news chyrons now “only 5.6% of this defense omnibus bill is for drones bombing desert countries”


I can’t imagine why anyone would. It is literally the primary responsibility of the federal government. Funding the military.

republicans sure are mad about the supreme court commission

but the people who blocked garland and rammed barrett through right before an election as far as I’m concerned can enjoy a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up


funnier yet

(fact check, true)

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LOL at anyone who fell for this guys bullshit

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At least the movie bombed critically and financially.

That’s the infrastructure bill.

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That reminds me that I have to watch that movie because Glenn Close got an Oscar nomination for it.

She also got a Razzie nomination for it. WTF?

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Now do California


Do every Dem state*


Oh man, how fucking awesome would it be if Hollywood gave it a bunch of awards and acclaim and then JD outed himself as a rightwing assclown? That’s the kind of embarrassment the industry needs. Green Book wasn’t enough, they need a total and utter snafu before these guys will realize how completely out of touch they are.

ugh, JD Vance.

So, he grew up near me, in a nearby town in Ohio. Same county, high schools were rivals, etc. He’s younger than I am, obv, but I’ve had an idea percolating in my head for a while. See, our circumstances turned out so differently, even though our ancestry is similar. My father’s family is from Appalachia, lower middle/working class, my dad and aunt were raised by my grandmother alone. Yet, my dad’s life took a very different path. I have always wondered what the underlying difference was.

Was it that my grandmother was a teacher? Was it that my great uncle was a union leader? What was it that led my Appalachian family to become and remain strong democrats, even after the southern strategy swap? My grandmother and great uncles were casually racist in that typical southern way…why didn’t they let that define them the way Vance did? My grandfather was the town drunk, abusive when he was around (which was rare)…how did my father and aunt escape a similar fate?

I have so many questions. I want to interview my dad, but he really HATES talking about his childhood. I’ve been thinking about this much more since my aunt passed last summer, because I know I don’t have much time left.