The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

That’s still a big if imo. It really sucks we have to sweat democracy for so long, if they could, they should be doing HR1 now so it has time to take effect before 2022.

If they do that shit in the middle of next year it’ll probably be too late to change all the evil laws already passed.

I agree with a lot of this, but I do think Bernie has been effective at moving the Overton Window on a lot of his key issues.

Among Representatives, Scalise has negative VORP.

The only thing I’ll ever give Bernie credit for is his admittedly huge Overton window shifting work. It’s actually a pretty good case for Bernie tbh and it’s why I happily voted for him in the primary.

If he was actually good at being a politician he would have been president from 2016-2020 and not Trump. Put Obama in his shoes and he’s the nominee and dog walks Trump even using the same ideological arguments. If Obama can pull of getting elected as a black guy in 2008 after beating the same exact opponent Bernie couldn’t he could pull off beating her in 2016 and then beating Trump as a socialist.

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Does HR-1 actually reverse things like the GA law allowing the state election board to take over local county boards?

Who knows but I’m sure they will add something in if not.

I don’t think you understand that Bernie’s policies meant he had to fight the right and the left, and the media.

I agree Bernie isn’t the best politician, and Obama is certainly better, but I doubt the system let’s him win either. It’s hard to win when the entire system is telling you not to vote for this guy.

Although if he could have gotten the older black people on board maybe he could have made it close. But older black people are conservative and religious.

I’m sorry but if there’s one takeaway from the Trump era it’s that the system is all huff and no puff.

HR1 is a really good piece of legislation.

  • Ends gerrymandering
  • Requires states to allow same day registration
  • Automatically registers everyone who supplies their information to state agencies like the DMV, unless they opt out
  • Makes election day a national holiday
  • Requires states to offer online voter registration
  • Requires at least two weeks of early voting
  • Pre-registration for 16 and 17 year olds
  • Restrict voter roll purging
  • Restored voting rights to felons who have completed their sentences
  • Various election security measures
  • Binding ethics rules for SCOTUS justices

It is supported by OVER HALF OF REPUBLICANS. If Democrats dont get this done we deserve the result.


How do you see dems winning elections with not just this level of insane voter suppression in all the key states they need to win? And not just that, but the legislatures now being able to control all county elections?

And remember these are just the laws they’re brave enough to pass while dems control all three branches, they lose any chamber of congress in 2022 these are going to get 10x more insane.

It will still be a " democracy " but Democrats will not control all three branches again for decades and Republicans often will.

Can you imagine what these Qanon loving insane people are going to do when they control all three branches again? What their voters will demand of them? Democrats will not be getting back in office for a VERY long time.

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Yeah it’s a great bill but expect this to change when it’s more in the national spotlight. 80% will be strongly against it once the sheep get their marching orders. Dems still need to pass it or it’s GG.

HR1 is for the voter suppression. If we don’t pass some version of HR1 that deals with your first question the Democrats aren’t serious about digging the country out of the hole it’s in.

One thing I guarantee you is that ten years from now cities will be a lot more powerful than they are today. Either they get better representation at the federal level or they throw up their hands, tell the GOP ‘fine you won’, and let the federal government wither up, blow away, and replace it with their own local systems. This, it bears mentioning, would be very bad for rural America who are the biggest welfare queens on planet earth in terms of per capita spending.

You’re already seeing a significant weakening of the feds ability to enforce laws, that could go further to the point where the only people who matter government wise are state and local.

I will be absolutely stunned if HR1 passes in anything resembling it’s current form. Zero Republicans are going to vote for it which means nuking the filibuster/getting Manchin/Cinema in line. Like sure that might happen but all signs point to no imo.


If Bernie was actually trying from the start he waffle crushes hilldog in 2016. He almost won by accident. If Liz hadn’t been so afraid of repercussions and ran against Hillary with Bernie’s endorsement like his original plan was it’s even more over.


It is a valid point that Bernie was running in 2016 as a protest candidate to highlight his issues who then almost won by accident because Hillary was so fucking unlikable.


You won me over. That’s all fair. One thing I like about Bernie is that he is unapologetically a terribad politician. He sees his role as to model what a politician should be rather than what a politician actually is, and that he’s very good at.

I’ll never in my life doubt that man’s authenticity. I don’t think that’s something you can say about any truly excellent historical politicians I can think of.

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Depending on how the future goes Bernie still might go down as the father of Americans progressive movement if all goes well


Yeah that’s the top of his range and I’d love to see it. Love to see it. I mean I called him a John the Baptist figure in a different thread and I truly meant that. AOC is obv Jesus in this scenario lol. Hopefully this pattern doesn’t repeat down to the martyrdom. I would LOVE to see AOC getting good legislation passed on my death bed.

EDIT: You can make the kid as hostile and environment to religion as possible, but if you marinate him in that shit for the first 18 years of his life he’s going to use religious metaphors the rest of his life.


Beyond parody


Man, fuck elder care.

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