The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

We might still be drawing live to that hilariously. Trump really might have broken the GOP’s back. There are a lot of possible futures where it’s obvious in hindsight that they were finished when Trump got to handle COVID.

You forgot the bolded. Aint nobody stanning for Dianne Feinstein.

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Nate Silver did a thing (I know, lol Nate Silver), showing DC being made a state is very unlikely to effect the balance of power. Even less so for Puerto Rico.

I don’t think anyone is saying that? AOC going HAM on Manchin in 2024 would probably be a great thing for Manchin.

Gonna call bullshit on this one.

If we had two more liberal Democrats in the senate, we wouldn’t need Sinema’s vote. Four more, and Manchin’s is no longer necessary.


~everyone here wants Pelosi replaced. Who are you talking about that loves Pelosi?

Who;s stanning for Pelosi?

Yes, if there was ever a mutually profitable kabuki act in the history of American politics it would be a AOC-Manchin PPV for donors flame war going on from now until he retires.

Big difference between pushing a primary challenge versus not supporting the eventual nominee against Donald John Trump. Like 99.999 percent of this board supported Sanders in the primary.

Seriously Pelosi’s district is in Northern CA. She’s one of the worst people in VORP in the house. She’s been gutting real progressives in our caucus and in her district for decades. Her husband is a Silicon Valley bankster and they have a 100MM+ net worth which is probably mostly in big tech stocks. Like there isn’t even a superficial similarity to the Manchin situation there.

Both are corporate democrats but the fair way to grade them is by what would replace them if you got rid of them. Pelosi’s slot would be a huge upgrade most likely. Manchin’s would be a huge downgrade.

I mean, maybe? I think you’re confusing support for impeachment for pelosi support, since she kind of spearheaded that.

I couldn’t even think of a single poster here that is a pelosi fan. The california democratic party, honestly, is full of those types.

What is substantively different in the next two years versus if we had a 54-50 majority? I mean I guess time will tell on that and it depends on how fucking insane Sinema really is. I think we’re getting HR1 without DC and infrastructure with a 26 percent corp tax rate isntead of 28, so lol me if I’m wrong I guess. I still don’t think the filibuster gets completely nuked even 54-50.

Yeah that’s exactly what I think we’re going to get too for the record. I also think the GOP is getting roflstomped in 2022. I’m sorry but it feels meaningfully different out there in the economy. Things are heating up so fast there’s actual inflation going on.

I agree, with the only real x factor being Covid. If we have a roaring economy in 2022 and the only people dropping dead from covid are Trumpy anti-vaxxers, then yeah, I think the GOP gets wafflestomped too.

Yeah this is important. His nonsense words are causing the democrats to negotiate against themselves.

Twiddle dee and Twiddle dumb are crushing the democrats ability to negotiate with the opposition party and still accomplish anything. He has zero grasp of any bigger picture and is solely focused on himself. Fuck him. He doesn’t have to say all the dumb shit he says. It’s not helping him protect votes in West Virginia. He literally should shut his dirty pie hole.


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DC will get you 2 more, but it’s far from a lock that PR will get you another 2.

Yeah that’s the other thing. PR politics are weird. Could very easily send republicans. It would be the ultimate irony if the dems abolished the filibuster to grant PR statehood, and then PR sends two republicans who give the republicans unified control of the government with no filibuster to stop them.

Counter point.

Insane voting laws and gerrymandering and the fact the oppossing party always does way better in the midterms.

Like I agree it’s a different country, and in a fair election I’d be optimistic, but a lot of these states are legit making it nearly impossible for dems to win. In GA they can just throw out votes, change how many polling places in dem districts, take away vote by mail.

I don’t see how Warnock wins with those rules in place. Lot’s of states aren’t far behind.

I think they’re going to end up stripping the campaign finance stuff out of HR1 and passing voting rights / gerrymandering as a stand alone. They don’t have 50 votes for the campaign finance reforms and they’re not directly related to preserving voting rights. The “we have to bypass the filibuster to save democracy” message is more credible if all the provisions are directly tied to reversing GOP voter suppression.