The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Lol, at Biden’s next press conference (IF HE EVER HAS ONE AMIRITE!?!?!?!) someone is going to ask him “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” And then CNN and the NYT and WP will all run headlines like “Biden Plagued by Claims of Domestic Abuse”.


I’m pretty impressed with Psaki. She has like West Wing levels of general knowledge and instant recall. Maybe it’s just that the bar was set so low the past four years, I dont know.


Well, Ducy can prepare his bullshit all day and she has to refute with her general knowledge and prep, and it’s not a fair fight for Ducy.

Honestly, I think the WH should rescind Fox’s press credential and then just deal with the BS blowback. It will hurt fox more than the WH.


Agree. Lets stop pretending they are a news organization. They aren’t.

Letting them in normalizes trolling as “news.”


Biden going after the build the wall crowd!

Cunning, though—probably much easier to fill “gaps” than gaps.

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Lol I don’t think you quite understand what vorp is.

Damn, who are we going to invade for water now?


I guess it’s good to get a sneak preview for the next batch of forever wars the Dems will co-sign.


I hate that we do this dance every time Manchin does something that sucks.

Just because Joe Biden is better than Donald Trump does not mean he’s immune to criticism.

Just because Joe Manchin is better than [Republican replacement] does not mean he’s immune to criticism.


This is a little disconcerting for Canada.


Also, “wars have been fought” is one of those “passive voice doing some heavy lifting for the speaker” moments.

Kamala, the fucking US starts like half those wars. “Wars have been fought”.


Greenland … before it all melts at least so better hurry up.

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I’d guess the US will go with Egypt.



Yeah but it does though. He’s our Susan Collins. You want to get mad at someone for not being a good enough progressive you pick one of the literally 100+ fairer/better targets.

If it weren’t for him figuring out how to get reelected in WV against all odds we’d be totally fucked. You should start every day with a deep feeling of gratitude to that man for being so good at getting elected to the Senate from WV.

Cinema is a much better object of scorn. So are lots of people. Let’s be really clear though: Joe Manchin has done more tangible shit for this country in the last three months than Bernie Sanders has done in his entire career. It’s not about who is the better person because stealing a senate seat in WV in 2020 was that important.

There are also a lot of people on this board who think that being a good person is more important than being an effective person, and I can’t disagree more strongly. Being a good person only matters if you are effective. If Bernie Sanders was an effective person someone else would be president right now sopping up all the credit for picking up the Trump administrations low hanging fruit. The centrist Dems are going to get all of the political spoils from that because Bernie is a shit politician. A great human being but a shit politician.


But, like

The election is over and now he has the power to make things happen. We have a tiny window to actually enact helpful, potentially democracy-saving legislation and he’s holding out so he can get elected again? I’m glad he’s in the senate over whatever the alternative is, but I’m not going to celebrate the man for being a roadblock to progress.

FWIW everything above x10 for Sinema.

He’s definitely getting elected again and that is worth the cost until the Senate stops being the Senate (and even after that I’m more than happy to let him vote against us when we don’t need his vote in the interests of retaining the seat).

Political viability is the only thing that matters right now. Manchin is a VERY good trade for the Democrats with how our government is structured. I wish we could find a Manchin to run in every deep red state race. All the way down to the shady connections to local industry and power brokers. That’s all part of the magic of stealing a seat you should never ever even be competitive on.

Also fwiw he’s not a roadblock to progress lol. He’s the only reason we aren’t driving the opposite way at nearly max speed. Again he’s the #1 Senator by VORP who has probably ever lived.

All the character in the world doesn’t mean shit if you don’t have, and know how to use, power.

LBJ was a piece of shit but I’d give my left nut for him to be majority leader right now.

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LBJ was an unimaginable piece of shit.

Source: I had an uncle who was an FBI agent in the Hoover FBI during the LBJ years. He was drinking buddies with his secret service detail.