The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Seems insane dems aren’t trying to pass HR1, because then you can hang infrastructure pork over Cinema and Manchins head afterwards.

based on what? she gets instaprimaried as a republican and loses by like 90 points

She wouldn’t be even close to the first person part of a group the GOP horribly suppresses that sells their group out for the grift.

Plus I don’t think bi-sexual women are really a big target for the GOP. Have they ever attacked her for it?


I agree she gets killed in a Republican primary, I think anyone who voted to impeach Trump does, add in she’s a bi-sexual woman, yeah she’s toast.

That’s why I think it’s more likely she’s just grifting. She might want to exit politics and just be rich. I mean Gabbard took a very similar route.

I don’t buy that she’s just stupid, her recent polls showed her that her strategy is failing horribly.

if netflix government dramas taught me anything, she’s waiting for a favor like advancing a particular judge up a court, or installing an az loyalist to an important state party post. in reality it’s probably X dollars from a pac and N primary votes during next election cycle. dropping popularity or not, an alternative to a democrat in az is no longer mccain, but arpaio or jr.

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There were more than a dozen Rs that voted to convict.

Yeah and most of them are fucked too. They got censored, they are extremely hated and considered traitors on the right. Lot’s are also either retiring or are in situations where their constituency doesn’t mind that much like Romney.

The ones not retiring are probably dogs to win a primary.

I mean Chaney only wasn’t removed from her position of power in the Republican party because they did a secret ballot lol.

And these are hardcore Republicans, it will be much worse for someone switching from being a democrat that also convicted.


She is an actual crazy person.

It is infuriating.

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She recently presided over the Senate in a bright pink shirt that said “DANGEROUS CREATURE.”

Who said politicians lie?

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It really does show how much the Overton window has careened to the fucking right that DIck Cheney’s daughter is too left wing for the modern Republican Party. Left wing now being defined as “in favor of democracy.”


Manchin and Sinema are both highly principled. Some might say the most highly principled.

The chips are starting to crumble. -Eric Trump

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It’s this. The bar now to be being in Congress is so low any idiot can be elected. In fact, being a bonifide moron is a benefit on both sides of the isle.

I mean, I guess the good news is we are now down to one person to get this shit done, which is definitely ahead of schedule.

The bad news is it’s a clinically insane moron.


Gonna be a lot of pressure if Synema is the lone holdout to kill voting rights as a Senator from a purple state that just voted for Biden and another democratic Senator.


Just look at this fucking woman. This is what’s standing between our country and fascism.

I’m not hopeful.


Can Biden have the CIA help us? It’s more important for democracy than anything they did against the Soviet union


What about Prime Minister’s Questions!