The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

In before a Republican president insta fires democrat appointed USPS board members, anyways.

I guess we can be the guy who keeps redrawing the line in the sand further and further back daring the other guy to cross it.

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in this tweet: an actual stupid person


Interesting twist on the clichĂ©: if it is broke, don’t fix it


WAAF. She is not going to allow us to pass HR1. I wonder if Republicans are secretly offering her some insane shit to tank this.

I don’t get it. Arizona is passing some of the most fucked up laws in the country right now and she will never be able to win as a democrat. I also highly, highly doubt she will win as a Republican either.

I mean she might be stupid, but even stupid people have tons of advisers who are all telling her this stuff. There has to be something else going on here.

She’s probably the most likely senator to switch parties, AINEC. Manchin does not deserve our hate. She does.


Yeah I’ve posted that before as well, but I think even switching parties is a dead end for these people because the Republican party is too partisan now, especially for people who voted to impeach Trump TWICE.

People give that house dude as an example, but he refused to vote to impeach Trump, made a huge speech about how horrible it was for democrats to do it, THEN switched parties. That’s way different than voting to impeach him twice, shitting all over him, then trying to switch.

I mean regular good ol’ Republicans are terrified of being primaried from the right, and we think a former democrat who impeached Trump twice is going to get by? Hell nah lol.

Like even if Mitch and company promise to throw their full support by you, the party hates them and their support means very little right now.

I feel like she might be another Gabbard or something. Angling for a fox news gig or lobbying gig or something like that.

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The only thing to hope for is that she’s angling behind the scenes for some enormous pork for AZ, and right after that’s negotiated, she’ll suddenly never have liked the filibuster to begin with no idea what you people are talking about yay HR1 4eva.


Maybe because dems are focusing on infrastructure right now they haven’t really applied the pressure and offered up the goods yet, while I’m sure Republicans are already going all out.

So maybe the dems can come with a better deal eventually.

Still, I would think if she was flexible, she would be showing SOME openess to it similar to Manchin. She’s been shutting it down super hard which is very worrisome.

You guys really have to stop taking what politicians say so seriously. We have no idea what Cinema or Manchin want. All we know is that they want people to think that they aren’t going to do X.

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Yeah this doesn’t really make sense to me either though. Like, any former US Senator is basically guaranteed to get a news gig or a lobbying gig out of the gate, unless they are caught with a live boy or dead girl. They don’t have to do what she’s doing to get it. She’s set for life no matter what she does.

I think this is absolutely correct for Manchin and is why nobody on this board should ever be concerned with Manchin ever. He is awesome for us. He gives us the fucking majority and he is a democrat from a state Trump won by 40 points. Oh and he’s not even that fucking conservative when you get down to it, he just talks a good game. Synema on the other hand, I legit have no idea what is going on there.


Yeah she’s a weirdo for sure. The reason I’m not super worried about her vote for HR1 is that she is so clearly 100% fucked if it doesn’t pass.

I agree with this for Manchin, but Cinema really worries me. I mean Manchin breaking gives her cover to break too on the conservative side, and the recent polls with her TANKING hard in approval ratings because she’s too conservative, and yet she doesn’t adjust?

Like nothing she does makes sense.

Unless her main goal isn’t re-election. Like if that was her goal, why the fuck isn’t she adjusting to her terrible polling and still going hard on dumb shit that’s clearly tanking her approval ratings? This would be the perfect time to take her foot of the pedal of conservative obstructionism and signal a willingness to help dems pass popular legislation, and yet she holds firm?

She’s got to be getting huge promises from like the Koch brothers or something.

One thing about Sinema is that her time as a Green Party-affiliated independent may suggest that she doesn’t have a strong partisan attachment to the Democratic Party, so she may not see politics in terms of maximizing partisan success. And she may be more about sticking to her principles than maximizing her own re-election.

Manchin, at least, is a loyal Democrat. Sinema? Not so much.

I mean staying with the filibuster is purely for conservatives at this point. Voting rights is a pretty non-partisan issue except for Republicans. Independents, hell even evil corporations are on board with it at least PR wise. Republicans are literally the only people who want to stop it. To get ANY type of climate change legislation will take getting rid of the filibuster, which I would assume is important to legit green party affiliated independents.

I think its more likely she joined the green party affiliates because it was the best grifting opportunity for her, then switched to the democrats when that opportunity became better, and will maybe switch to Republicans if that grifting opportunity becomes better, even if it means she loses her seat.

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it’s likely not for pork, but more power instead.

If power is her goal her vote on HR1 is already a mortal lock for yes.

One thing is for sure, Republicans know voting rights legislation is the only thing standing between them and dominating politics for decades. They will throw EVERYTHING at Cinema, so if she’s solely looking at it as some type of grift, I highly doubt dems will go far enough to match it.

There is nothing they won’t promise her to block it.

Can they promise her to be friendlier to the LGBT community?