The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

A cynic might conclude they know the Democrats are bought and paid for with corporate cash and they feel confident they can have it both ways: get the PR benefit from “doing the right thing” while quietly applying pressure to manipulate legislation to their benefit.


Agree 100%. I’ll take the help. When you’ve lost United Airlines…


Seeing what the parliamentarian has had to say about X has been a thing for nearly as long as I can remember.

Instead of worrying about the parliamentarian Democrats could just change the rules but then they wouldn’t be Democrats.

A small part of me thinks they plan to pass HR1 closer to the midterms to maximize salient obstruction and limit time for court challenges, but that assumes a level of competence I’m just not ready to believe in.

Even for the highly competent, optimal timing is not obvious. It’s very easy to be too early or too late on this. Getting it just right is tough, imo.

Mitch telling corporations to stay out of politics is too rich for my blood.


He sounds like a mob boss.

I guess, but I’m not going to go out of my way to praise companies like Delta and Coke that donated to and supported politicians behind these voter suppression laws AFTER those politicians had already passed voter suppression laws and are now shocked, SHOCKED to find them passing more voter suppression laws. The time to credibly make this stand with integrity was a decade ago.


HR1 is a declaration of war. If you think there are things like infrastructure that are passable before turning the Senate into a partisan battlefield where nothing gets through, then you try to get those votes before you put the chamber into lockdown. The question is how many judicial nominations you want to process before you effectively shut down government.

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Who am I shitting, the time to make this stand with integrity was in, like, 1877, but the most recent and obvious time with almost the same cast of characters and really, really similar laws was 2011. There have been plenty of instances between 1877 and 2021, though. Seldom heeded.

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HR1 is finally responding to the other side declaring war in the 80s and especially 90s (f newt).


Thinks a 28% corporate tax rate is too damn high

And will hem and haw for the cameras and will settle on a 26 percent tax rate which was probably the dems plan all along. This same shit played out with the stimulus plan.

Heady debates among the dems.


I’m willing to carry water for this administration on a lot of fronts but WHY THE FUCK IS LOUIS DEJOY STILL RUNNING USPS?


Biden can’t fire him - only the USPS board of governors can. And it would be tough for Biden to get the board to vote to remove him. He’d likely have to remove one (or more) existing board members, and it’s unclear whether he has that power. That said, I’d prefer he at least tries - since why not, but it seems Biden is still sticking to some norms. I think the long term concern would be if Biden were to mass fire USPS board, a new Republican President would feel free to do that same (and to even more government agencies).

There was a story within the last month that Biden appointed 3 new members to the board.

Right - the issue is he needs 5 votes. The board will be 5-4 Dems once they are approved, but one of the Dems was appointed under Trump and is likely to vote not to remove, so he’d have to be replaced to get the 5th vote.

I’m not as ready as you are to dismiss the idea that the modern Republican party can continue to exist without the support of corporations. We’ve seen from these bullshit PR antics in recent months that most corporations are still going to donate to both sides, no matter what ghoulish shit the GOP pulls. They might toss out some woke-sounding words but their actions will still speak louder.

This is just further cementing the party shift–Dems are becoming (even more of) the party of suburban rich folks while the GOP will be claiming more and more of the working class. It’s happening in front of our eyes–the GOP is disowning the corporations while the Dems are unwilling to do the same. We’re going to have a racist/nationalist/fascist party and a party full of corporate stooges. Can’t wait for the hellscape that will produce.

Maybe demographics can save the Dems, but this recent election showed that that isn’t certain as the GOP picked up much more of the Hispanic population in key states than expected.


He is just looking out for the children.