The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Agree. All Dems need to do is add a few percentages here and there, have Manchin, Sienna, et al. hem and haw a bit, then knock them back down. It’s all showmanship that doesn’t matter beyond their state’s elections.



How do you know that Democrats aren’t already adding a few percentages here and there and a lot of the numbers we are ending up with strike most of them as acceptable compromises that they had already agreed to accept?

I wasn’t trying to insinuate that it was either true or false whether they are doing it already. I have no idea

This is perhaps the most two sides tweet of all time. In fact it makes a ton of sense from our side. Way more than from his side tbqh. The press has done an absolutely excremental job of covering the GOP’s degradation as a political party.

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So parliamentarian says dems can bypass Filibuster on infrastructure bill.


Why is it that I had never heard of the parliamentarian until Joe Biden became president?


One reason is you weren’t paying close attention to the Obamacare fights.

I fear “winning” these parliamentary procedure points will lead to no filibuster reform, no HR1 and no democracy in 2025+.

Agreed with point 1, disagree the concessions are going to be meaningless. I think he ends up torpedoing important legislation at some point by pushing things to a point that some progressives in the House can’t go along with it.

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Actually better (or worse news if you think it impedes reform), they ruled the Dems get two more bills, not one.

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I agree with Mitt.

I look down on anyone who didn’t know about the Senate parliamentarian before Obamacare and considered themselves well-informed about politics at the time.

This is true.

Whew, I’m safe from your wrath then.

I thought it was George Clinton’s band tbh


Had the pleasure of seeing George and the Parliamentarians live. It was a hell of a show.

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“Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order,” McConnell told a news conference in his home state of Kentucky.

Lol Mitch, fish on a heater isn’t getting smacked in the face with the deck anymore.


Trillion dollar ceos “Ohhhhh serious consequences, how scary!”

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@Mitch Corps are people too

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