The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

She is definitely getting assassinated.

Nah. If sheā€™s saying it itā€™s because the global political establishment has decided to break open that particular piggy bank.

Consider that MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL is currently showing far more courage and foresight than Democratic politicians.

At great immediate cost to their brand, MLB took concrete steps in response to the GA bill.

With THEIR ABILITY TO HOLD POWER ON THE FUCKING LINE, Democrats in Congress have done nothing.


This is 100% correct AND itā€™s not like they care. All they are hoping for is something they can re-dunk on. For example, I saw Pete shared on my facebook feed and it wasnā€™t him dunkin on rubes, it was for the quote on the mileage tax.

The other takeaway is that the GOP actually understands the game they are playing and took swift and aggressive action in states they controlled to help ensure they regain power in less than 2 years without a care in the world about any blowback. Meanwhile the Dems twiddle their thumbs and hem and haw about procedure.

The clock is ticking on passing HR 1 as there is no chance they pass it in an election year imo. Iā€™d pretty much bet every liquid dollar I have on them not doing it this year also. Actually breaking norms to pass it would be so out of character.

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I was in pittsburgh in the late 90s as a grad student. Used to commute to uni via a 3 mile bus ride. Often busses every 10-15 mins. Worked fine. It was a bit of an unusual situation, in the you had pitt/CMU and like 50k students in a few square miles and limited parking. The bus was also good for the occasional 10-15 mi trip to downtown or wherever. However, grew up OC, Cali and the bus isnā€™t really a viable option.

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Manchin wont raise the corporate tax rate to 28%, needs to go only to 25%. No word on whether he wants to shrink the proposal or has other pay for although he did reiterate that this proposal canā€™t add to the debt.

On the positive side, didnt say Republicans need to be on board in the latest interview, thatā€™s probably more relevant than exactly what he is or isnt going to veto within the bill.

ā€œIf I donā€™t vote to get on it, itā€™s not going anywhere,ā€ā€”President Joe Manchin

Here they go negotiating against themselves again. Why does it matter to Manchin whether itā€™s 25 or 28? Are there really that many corporations in West fucking Virginia that are going to be fine with him at 25% but will somehow defeat him if he goes to 28%? If heā€™s going to make up for the difference by taxing rich people more, fineā€“Iā€™d rather have the tax on individuals anyways. But that doesnā€™t seem like the direction heā€™s going; heā€™s just pushing back against this because he can. And if itā€™s just performative, why doesnā€™t the Biden administration shoot for 30% and let President Manchin take a win for ā€œnegotiating it down to 28%ā€?

Also great job Hill quoting a fucking Heritage Foundation shithead as if they give a fuck about labor

Matthew Dickerson, director of the Heritage Foundationā€™s Grover Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, said ā€œgoing to a 28 percent rate when combined with state corporate tax rates puts us right back in the really dubious position of once again having the highest taxes on business in the entireā€ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. ā€œA review of the economic literature of who bears the brunt of corporate taxes shows the majority of that is born by labor,ā€ he said.


Agreed. If it was a shift to higher individual taxes or even a softening of his have to pay for it stance I wouldnt care much as I think taxing corporate income is one of the less efficient ways to raise revenue vs. just taxing the wealthy. But I fear this is just the opening salvo and that compromise is the actual end goal for Manchin.

But again, on the positive side, seems maybe amenable to doing this with 50 votes

Although, welp, maybe Im too optimistic on that front

But Manchin did not rule out voting for it, noting it will ā€œnot be in the same form youā€™ve seen it introducedā€ when it passes Congress, suggesting it may be broken up into three separate bills

Seems like heā€™s just wanting to generate headlines about being the right-most, most fiscally responsible Democrat, and the press is happy to oblige.


Itā€™s just weird because Manchin should be economically the same or to the left of other Dems except crappy on social issues. But so far all his objections to Bidenā€™s agenda have been along the lines of your basic Chris Coons corporate centrist stuff.

He wants attention, so maybe, but he also went out of his way to point out like 7 other democrats have similar issues.

Heā€™s a sincere deficit hawk who actually wants government to work and do things to help people but frets about the cost, rather than someone who only pretends to care about the deficit as an excuse to say no.

So shouldnā€™t he like the 28% rate better than 25%? It either pays for more of the bill or lets you do more with it.

But his general frame of mind is to worry about going to big on anything. If 25% is enough to pagy for everything that he wants in the bill, heā€™s going to argue against 28% as being too much.

West Virginia is not part of the Midwest, but I think Manchin shares an instinct towards frugalness when it comes to government that I think runs through Midwestern political sensibilities. (Iā€™m Midwestern in origin and feel the pull of these sensibilities.) Frugalness isnā€™t the same as austerity, although the effects may appear to be the same at times. He wants to spend no more than necessary, but heā€™s not a Republican because he has a much wider view of what is necessary even if he has a narrower view than most of us.

This attitude is going to lead to him to do a lot of nit-picking that seems to counter-productive or not worth the time and effort. Heā€™s a bit like a coupon-clipping senior citizen hoarder who canā€™t stand the idea of spending an extra dollar or letting anything go to waste, but he isnā€™t a miser and he has no problems spending on what he sees is truly needed.


Agreed. I also think itā€™s good for Democrats to have a few Manchins in their range. Provided they are good faith.

Guy is a dick.

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He cares about the deficit so much he demands the corporate tax rate doesnā€™t go above 25%



That doesnā€™t make any sense. He doesnā€™t want the government to have too much money and he is a deficit hawk?

I am going to stick with him being a dick.


Will just reiterate two things:

  1. Manchin is #1 VORP in all of Congress

  2. Ignore him, heā€™s always voting yes after extracting some annoying but basically meaningless concessions