The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Man that’s just absolute slaughter. These people are so damn stupid.

They are talking Eastlake, not the Masters

Let me preface this by saying that I think Pete is the MJ of dunking on Fox News.

However, in this case, I am a little confused. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I always try to watch these things through the eyes of a MAGA Fox News addict.

The only way this makes sense as a dunk is if the anchor is suggesting that 5.6% is too much. So, I guess that is what it must be. But they way he delivered it, it sounded like he was suggesting it wasn’t enough.

I guess what I want is for someone to ELI5 this dunk to me.

no, they are suggesting it’s too low because they are limiting their definition of “infrastructure” to literally just roads and bridges. See SD superstar Governor Kristi Noem:

They literally think that the money for water pipes and rural broadband isn’t going to infrastructure because they think those things aren’t infrastructure. Well, that’s the talking point, anyway. They know it IS, they just need to drum up resistance to the bill.

More context in this Rupar twitter thread::


OK, so if I understand you correctly, the 5.6% is only for the roads/bridges. And there is additional money beyond the 5.6% for that other stuff.

If that’s the dunk, I’m gonna have to give Pete a minor deduction for not stating the actual percentage dedicated to infrastructure. Unless the aggregate total was not much higher than the 5.6%, in which case what he did was best.

Maybe he mentioned it at some point and it just wasn’t in the clip.

It’s a slam dunk of information in response to the disingenuous question. The host know how their viewers think so the question was implying to the fox dumb brained viewer that only 5% went to roads and to the simple minded fox viewer infrastructure = roads so the other 95 percent must be going to crooked democrat handouts or whatever. So he calmly like explain what infrastructure actually was and how it’s been done before like and how railroads equal Internet or whatever. And I imagine Republicans get off on thoughts about the old west and things like that so comparing railroads to the Internet might actually get through to these patriots. I think that’s what the dunk was that’s how I took it at least.


This. Framing it as American exceptionalism rah rah freedom is what gets the derpers going.

If there is any doubt on what the dunk was, it’s just not poster-worthy, imo.

So while I’m not doubting that a dunk occurred it wasn’t exactly one of these:

If Pete started wearing a cowboy hat to these Fox interviews he would win them over immediately like they’d actually listen because they’d see him as one of them. He could be the Kid Rock of democratic politics.


i give one bonus point for name dropping eisenhower while talking to the boomer audience.

There wasn’t

Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. I had doubt. And I wasn’t the only one:

That disqualifies from the Westbrook over Biyombo level, but it can still be a pretty good dunk.

I mean, if 1.25 people has doubt then that rules out everything ever as a dunk.

No. It doesn’t rule it out as a dunk. It just rules it out as a devastating GOAT-level dunk.

I’m sure like 4 people in rural Estonia don’t think Vinsanity dunked on that French dude.

Still literal GOAT dunk.

Carry on.

I’m pretty sure even they would see that as a clear dunk. Let me know what you find after you’ve polled them.

Tedious as always and Melkerson is right. That being said these Pete clips are good. If nothing else they probably make the Fox News audience, who undoubtedly hate gays almost as much as Democrats, furious.

I mean maybe? I assume tobaccy spittin salt of the earth fox news droolers hate Pete almost as much as this forum but maybe not.

I guess you agree with Melk and I that it wasn’t the dunk of the century at least lol.

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Ya I don’t think it changed any minds either. I think a certain type of Fox news viewer is probably yelling at their TV though.

Like you say there is no penetrating those brains at this stage. I have a few lefties posting that answer on social media and getting nothing but pushback from GOP types. Stuff like MY TAXES ARE ALREADY TOO HIGH WHEN DOES IT STOP.

It really shouldn’t be shocking Pete is good at this either. His well prepared quips were always there in the debates also. He is an obviously sharp guy who seems to be able to snap back with good sound bites in these situations.

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